A Random "The Mad King" Cutup

Connive with the fellow if she thought there was a chance of his road that leads toward Lustadt. The escort rode a short distance right-hand fork.

Chase, he thought, and again he accelerated the speed of the car. Through this treatment will you be able to leave Blentz."

Trudged along the rocky, moonlit way. The only bright spot was the which becomes me better than ermine."

King was dead, and that he whose coronation was to be attempted was in the guardroom the troopers of the Royal Horse who were not on soldiers must obey their superiors. My orders are strict. You may be "Crown the king!" cried the lieutenant. "Crown Leopold, king of shirk. It is not for you or for me to choose. God chose for you when doing for the past ten years? No, you will not. Even if you do not revenge prompted his decision. He would run Maenck to earth and have troopers. Butzow gave a command and seventeen carbines poured their speak of those days, or of the early life of his mother, Victoria spurred into the forest at the point where the girl had disappeared. Military car to carry him safely through. Before he reached the he ran back to the wardrobe. In it hung the peasant attire that he lacked but two minutes of noon, and as yet no king had come to claim armed guard upon the barbican of the ancient feudal fortress

Looked back over her shoulder. Her face was very white, but her eyes that had fallen so suddenly upon his shoulders, and none thought it stables. The man in the king's clothes touched a bell which was carried them to the low sward that fringed the little brooklet. Here "Thank Heaven!" came the voice from above. "I have been watching in the opposite side of the room, and the horrid leer upon the face "Go away!" cried the girl, for she saw that the king was attempting presence with the king. She was supposed to be at Tann, and Butzow you will find that I am a whole lot more important than most kings. Highway, for behind them the remaining troopers were spurring their officer stood in respectful silence awaiting the answer that the had developed into a certainty--he could hear men moving toward him the king well at Blentz. As proof that you are not the king he has almost gratefully any insinuations against the loyalty of Von der king's mistress."

Mount as though to indicate that the time for talking was past. The Serbian boundary and Lutha. In the meantime he would communicate design of the Regent to seize the throne of Lutha?

"I cannot give you up now," she said simply. "I have tried to be lowland recruiting followers to aid him forcibly to regain the crown chancellor to see him, nor did he know that a messenger from Prince barney Custer knew that so long as the road ran straight the girl beyond the control of its frail rider, even without the added for another. Forgive me, Emma!"

More than you and the king involved in his sudden departure from his own height. The face that turned toward them as they entered was of the inn were apparently what had attracted his attention.

Him. Barney heard the heavy feet of men, the clank of arms, and barney Custer smiled up at her in encouragement, and the girl smiled on he went, now leaping narrow courts, now dropping to low sheds and a few regiments between Lustadt and Blentz, but nearer the latter high-bred face there was no sign of the emotions which ran riot frontier and Lutha, his spirits rose to a pitch of buoyancy to which "I want Prince Peter!" yelled the king. "Send him at once!"

Ah!" exclaimed one of the soldiers. "Then there will be three of were his corpse to be carried into the cathedral of Lustadt before stops for passengers or freight."

Are Leopold. The result of the conference may not, then, meet with "If they have not already shot him," he whispered, "we shall save the officer looked at the weapon in the king's hand. He measured should she ever learn the truth.

Open, would have been to expose the princess to the fire of the "There is no other way, my lord king," she said with grave dignity. Before a low, windowless shed that had been converted into barracks raised himself on his elbow and gazed at the other across the ruler of Lutha over his foot. "If you don't hurry," he added, the king did as he was bid. For a moment the American stood looking and the red hunting coat as the only articles that fitted his rather presently he heard another horse approaching at the same mad gallop. "It is too late for that now, Coblich," replied Peter. "There is but soldiers. An officer escorted them to the great hall, and presently it was a man!

Necessitated turning his back to his adversary, inviting instant cavalrymen were yet a half mile distant. Before the retreat could from her captivity in the castle of Blentz?"

Attempt to release the prisoner that in all probability we ourselves count Zellerndorf was the first to grasp the possibilities that lay break for liberty might have the best chance to succeed.

Horse in his stride, and the swaying of the leaping car carried him corps until the Austrians have evacuated Luthanian territory, Lutha captain Ernst Maenck was more fortunate. He reached the capital of the two finally scrambled over the edge of the road and stood once saluting, the two backed from the apartment. Just as they were asked Barney.

Entirely of meeting any who could give him direction unless he beyond that a small stream which the highroad crossed upon a little had developed into a certainty--he could hear men moving toward him "You cannot know, my good friend," replied Barney. "But had I been peter." The girl's voice was low and cold. "If Mr. Custer is a more books upon a low tier of shelves on either side of the

From you I don't know. You're a long way from New York, and in the of the fugitives.

Rather than reveal his identity to these soldiers of his great surprise when she learned the truth, when suddenly it dawned upon ensuing week. Accept it, your majesty.

Another loud fanfare, and then they separated, two upon each side of at the instant of his fall his companion and the American fired "Sire," he said, "the fellow knows that he is already as good as along this buried corridor the "king" led them, for though he had remember him as a boy and loved his father and his grandfather, shortly after Barney arrived at the rendezvous he saw a messenger but of that he gave scarcely a thought--the safety of the princess you will find that I am a whole lot more important than most kings. The king's clothes that covered him. At last he withdrew a roll of negotiations with you, or rather, yours with the king? And what butzow, but for an infinitely more sacred diadem which belongs to slumberer--its point hovered above his heart. The face of the man barney leaped for the doorway, and upon his heels came the three lutha deserves a better king than the one my act will give her; but barney Custer had never been nearer death than at that moment--not not be aroused when he put his contemplated coup to the test. Tann would be loyal to Leopold. The king was cowed. He was very much but the house of Von der Tann as well. He would do in the king's "We shall be with the major's squadron, and when you see us emerging in possession of the weapon, the American turned toward the window she looked at him thoughtfully for a moment.

Belongings. She wondered a little, too, that this huge oil should must--find some way to end her life, rather than to be dragged to at the doorway Kramer halted, motioning Barney within.

Plain which lies at the foot of the mountain town of Lustadt; but "What said he?" asked Barney.

The inn at Burgova was sufficient evidence that the fate of Lutha apparently paralyzed him for the moment. A Blentz soldier was and most loyal supporter?"

The giant, Yellow Franz, had come quite close to Barney and was paused in the shadows of the alley listening. Hearing nothing moving his hand; but the precaution was unnecessary for Yellow Franz would for half an hour the Princess von der Tann succeeded admirably in the king, or, thinking he was Leopold, taking a mean advantage of "Here is the American's pardon," he said, "drawn up and signed by von der Tann shrugged his shoulders, but did as Barney bid, and for women fainted and were trampled. Hoarse shouts of anger mingled were most tempting; but when he remembered the poor, weak mind, he faced the sergeant, snapping his piece to present, hoping that by definitely indicating to him that he was persona non grata, in so the interne had told them that when he had reached the scene of the he might have some chance to close with him before the fellow could himself from the fingers that had found his throat. He lunged leave the palace after dark and cross the border some time tomorrow of the soldiers who still remained beside the dying ghoul, when his a moment later the three were riding down the winding road toward side of the same ring.

He well knew the fame of Butzow's sword arm, and having no stomach hastening toward the capital city that Peter and his lieutenants had barney Custer smiled up at her in encouragement, and the girl smiled "You can obtain food there. Why should respectable folk want to go bandying coarse jests at the expense of the "king." The boy,

They ceased--the king falling asleep at once--the American feigning moved straight among them toward the doorway of the headquarters as on foot was not at all compatible with the urgent haste that he felt our good friend Peter."

Perhaps Lieutenant Butzow might find a way," suggested the officer. Purposes and motives were ulterior.

"No," muttered the man, and dragged the princess roughly across the were attempting to rescue him, I believe that the people would tear man.

Barney laughed. "Whatever else you may be, Butzow, you're a brick,"

All Lustadt was in an uproar. The mad king had escaped. Little now the realization of his boyish dreaming which seemed so imminent realized how stupid he had been not to guess that the man who had lutha hated him, and yet, in the hands of this American lay not only at the sound of the whirring thing behind him the animal cast an rumor passed back and forth through the fleeing thousands. Now came the man before her. She did not understand. Why should she? Barney troops were moving along the road on the left toward the distant shall stand it no longer."

Barney sprang to his feet and, turning, faced Leopold. The king had water ran sluggishly. Above him he heard the soldiers pass the open for the coronation, and but a bare possibility that Prince Ludwig barney's likeness to the king. But Maenck would be along, of course, shot, I have wished a thousand times that I had gone with you to instantly Barney knew that the fellow had noted his resemblance to setting of the royal ring of the kings of Lutha upon the third soldiers must obey their superiors. My orders are strict. You may be men of Tann who rode down to Lustadt today."

Jacket, several pairs of trousers and breeches, and a hunting coat. Said quietly, "by even so much as intimating that I have any guilty "What is the matter?" the king repeated.

"Oh, pshaw!" exclaimed Maenck. "There is but one door to this notice.

Hoped that his knees wouldn't tremble--they felt a trifle weak even as though a matter of fact which had been often discussed between chance a mistake in the case of one who from his appearance might "The Regent, you mean?" the girl corrected him haughtily.

"When I am with you, sire," said Von der Tann, "I know that you are road but once or twice, and much of the way passes through dense into the hitherto long-unused dungeons of the royal castle.

Wagonroad covered, and it was a good road for a horseman. It should "Lower the drawbridge," ordered the officer. "It is Captain

Been raked from the saddle by overhanging boughs. Slipping to the of: "The king! Impostor!" and "Von der Tann's puppet!"

Party wheeled their horses from the gate and rode back toward conclusion that Leopold was in virtue a prisoner in Blentz. To prove if he could but reach Von der Tann's ear and through him the king gravel walk from the sanatorium toward the gate. One kept a hand into the road that she had just left; but today she feared to do so whisper, so out of breath, and so filled with hysterical terror was "Stop!" he commanded. "No man, not even my king, may speak such "This farce," he said, "has gone quite far enough. If it is a joke joseph to remove the rope from about the princess and lower it for upon his listener the importance of his next utterance, "there were when you say that he has died futilely, you are, I believe, wrong. With Von der Tann actively opposed to them, the value of having the the wood.

"Whither were you bound when I became the means of wrecking your crushed her to his breast to cover her lips with kisses for the barney laid his hand upon the old man's shoulder. It seemed a shame sufficient distance from the spot where he had stolen his new his nerve not failed him at the last moment. He has fled. The true he was in the throes of a delirium, and it required his best efforts dead these many years, but not even in whispers did the men of Lutha attempt to jump it--there was no point at which she would not have a careless housewife, leaving her lord and master's rough shirt and first reached the two quiet figures that lay side by side upon the embankment. His left hand, outstretched, was almost at the girl's "good night. I have handed Prince Peter the necessary military leopold of Lutha flung his arms above his head and lunged forward there was but one thing to do, however, and that was to make a clean coming after me in her car."

Happened that the orders for the mobilization of the army of Lutha "I answered your majesty's summons," said the man.

For a time both men were buried in thought. Suddenly Maenck snapped never tired of talking.

He ran his fingers over it, his eyes following them. What was that? Convinced him that you, Von Coblich, and Captain Maenck were his hands before him, while at his heels came his followers. At last he if there was a price upon his head in that kingdom? It was HER home. The sleeping soldiers, but half awake, scrambled to their feet, "We have him," replied Coblich. "But we had the devil's own time be happy with him."

Peter of Blentz as he passed him, and the open sneer of Maenck. As before the door temporarily. I shall not require them, nor do I wish as soon as he had gone the Princess von der Tann took another turn again the girl looked quickly into his eyes and again in her mind dared not, for he knew that any moment the sentry upon the post from "His majesty has been most kind," she said. "He has treated me with to wish the little Luthanian river as broad as the Mississippi, for looming in their path.

For half an hour Barney pleaded and argued with the king, until he battery for five minutes, and then to cease firing into the wood the next stop.

"The Regent commands it, Maenck," he was saying. "It is the only maenck came up, breathless. The guard at the doorway did not

Example of their chief, had become tyrannical and corrupt. For ten hours in which to conceal the monarch before the search was well the effect of his words upon the girl were quite different from what orders are that you accompany me to Blentz--the king is there." did so Barney Custer sat up.

Barney nodded, and the shopkeeper of Tafelberg withdrew and closed had always supposed that a princess was so carefully guarded from "Wait," he said, "we shall not have to look far for your

There was a smile upon his lips, for even now he could scarce carbine was leveled. Barney pushed the girl to her knees behind a but not so strong as to convince me of the truth of so improbable a challenging: "S-s-t!" Yes, there was someone above, signaling to candid, it seems to me that it may be necessary to my future

Had never discovered. Since she had entered his apartments at Blentz alley, came a low: "S-s-t!"

Horsemen far behind them, but the border was near, and their start since his escape. He also learned that Peter was abroad in the in the street, Barney was about to make a swift spring for the "I cannot believe in the disloyalty of Prince Ludwig," he said, "nor his own height. The face that turned toward them as they entered was two days and he who was crowned in the cathedral this noon are not von der Tann looked the king straight in the eyes.

To cast even a parting glance at the guard he stepped quickly questions. What Von der Tann had told him, what he had seen with his guess the bullet struck only a glancing blow. It couldn't have upon the threshold alone.

Thankful," he added, "that it was not Maenck who discovered you." the moat and the adjacent woods.

Until it should be less dangerous for Leopold to wear it, and for the fellow's eyes. He was a young man--a stupid-looking lout. It was detail with a firing squad. He looked wonderingly at Barney,

This was the proper thing to do. Then he stumbled through a brief dozen feet of the tree behind which Barney was hiding.

So sudden had been her break for liberty and so quickly had the after it was all over Prince Ludwig's grim and leathery face relaxed young girl whose eyes, filled with the tears of a great happiness thankful since the limited space could accommodate but a single cot, your two-by-four kingdom. If you do as I say you shall have your rapidly nearing the true Leopold. In another moment he would shoot. Stranger only cursory glances. It was evident that without his beard brow.

His arrest and dragging his own name into the publicity of court there was a brief and terrific struggle. The stranger hurled the she staggered forward a step, clapped her two hands above her heart, fellow raised his carbine and fired at the escaping couple.

Features of her sire molded in an expression of haughty dignity; A large army, but with the help of Serbia it should be able to drive barney wondered how the little horses clung to the steep

His back pressed forward to clear the chancel. There was a brief for an excuse to break and humble his ancient enemy she did not concealing his identity in so far as the salvation of Lutha was barney laughed. "Whatever else you may be, Butzow, you're a brick," Rang the wild shouts of his troopers: "For the king! For the king!" lost his temper.

Corps until the Austrians have evacuated Luthanian territory, Lutha "You do not know Peter, my dear," responded Maenck. "But you need not the castle, from one end to the other, unseen? There was a guard the legs of the Prince Regent trembled. He sank upon his knees, the cavalry officer in an effort to convince him that he was not deferential sign to the girl led the way from the room. Emma von der "Whom do you seek?" inquired a woman's voice. Barney recognized it and discover in what part of the castle Emma von der Tann was the white lids drooped lower, and with a tired sigh the boy lay door after him and leaving two men on guard in the corridor. Alone, that only those attend upon him who hope to profit through his ruler of Lutha over his foot. "If you don't hurry," he added, protection of Prince von der Tann before they should be recaptured cathedral at Lustadt, and I for one pray to God that it may be he confronted him with menacing pistol was, to say the least, not hoofs upon the pavement without and a moment later Coblich, his rewards, while he who had made it possible for him to be a king at the service of the man he had thought king. The pitiful figure of very existence demanded of them.

Came before his mind's eye the delicate, patrician face of Emma von a shake of his head he trotted off in the direction of the fort. The top of the ladder that led downward and the foot of another could he but reach the frontier with his stolen passes he would be withdrawn."

Had important news for the king, he said. From him Barney learned "I shall then direct the mobilization of the army and take such fingers of the American. Together both men fell heavily to the their fates. Why should he, then? Doubtless many of them were as was herding the prisoners into position. When he was done Barney running toward the driveway at top speed. Behind him came Friedrich. Another shot and another followed.

"I'm going for a drink of water," replied the American, and stepped the possibilities of the brave car he had come to look upon with upon the floor, while above him leaned the American, uninjured, walked from the shed out into the courtyard beneath the eyes of the discovered that his savior loved the girl to whom the king had been corner of his eye the sea of faces upturned toward him. He saw the thrust the king behind him and turned to face the enemy, at Butzow's ten minutes later the party entered the wood at the edge of town, escaped from Blentz. Peter is furious. He realizes that whether the "I know where we are now," she cried. "The hill ahead is sandy, and responsibilities that were his by birth?

Two years before, clinging desperately to a runaway horse upon the ripping long strips from a sheet torn from the bed, twisting them hoofs upon the pavement without and a moment later Coblich, his keeping well to the far side of the clearing, Rudolph led Barney since they had entered the lighted castle. He hoped to escape "Well met, your majesty," he cried saluting. "We are riding to the if she must sacrifice her life in the attempt, nevertheless still success of your venture."

Once become a most unhealthy spot for Barney Custer, of Beatrice, the revolvers at his hip, the young man saw the foolish futility of was the most precious burden that Barney Custer might ever expect to behind them.

Underbrush by day, and by night sought some avenue which would lead success or who fear his evil nature."

Blowing over her face. Her cheeks were very red and her eyes bright. Tacked placards in conspicuous places. At the notice, and in each bequeathed him.

Coward who sits now upon the throne of Lutha. I have made up my mind respect in Maenck's manner. She looked quickly toward Barney to see either side of the bridal party, the ranks were formed of

Closer and closer came the sound until it ceased suddenly scarce a princess Emma von der Tann sat in her boudoir in her father's castle the affairs of kings."

American with himself; but now, quite vividly, he realized what it the king is found!"

Expectantly toward the shack to which their chief had gone to fallen trooper, as well as his revolver and carbine. Then he took his pursuers were coming. They were not in sight--they had not seen convinced him that you, Von Coblich, and Captain Maenck were his dropped from the shoulders of his fighting men, exposing not silks the king's outraged majesty goaded him to an angry retort.

A shot sounded from behind and a bullet whirred above his head. Blentz before she had been conducted to the king's presence.

Their mounts and snatch a mouthful for themselves. Then onward once peter drew him hurriedly into a small study on the first floor. He turned back up the trail between his captors.

"Yellow Franz has already sent Herman to Lustadt with a message for and haughty, nor was there any sign in her expression to indicate meaningly.

The American now blindfolded the king and led him toward the panel had but recently quitted. At the back of the panel which led into striking there could be no doubt.

The body of the king he had slain. Prince Peter of Blentz was tried forty-eight hours; but at noon upon the fifth this farce must cease. "Because I don't trust your majesty," replied the American. "It must grasp the enormity of the thing that had overwhelmed her--the daring general Petko smiled. So did the American and the chancellor. Each "He is still here, then?" questioned the shopkeeper with a sigh that in the palace. No clue as to the whereabouts of Coblich, Maenck or if there was a price upon his head in that kingdom? It was HER home. Might be lying in wait for him at his elbow.

Hope. There were two things to be accomplished if possible. One was the king's clothes at Blentz and I followed him here. He is the the man who was approaching her up the broad cathedral aisle was leopold. The king picked up one of the garments gingerly between the lutha deserves a better king than the one my act will give her; but and a great iron pot boiled vigorously at one side of the blaze. Higher one beyond.

The Princess Emma in his arms. Two years before she had told him behind, ran upon him, and the two rolled over together with their "Well?" he whispered, as the two faced each other.

Man had seen and recognized the conspirator as he climbed to the top half an hour later as he was about to descend to the courtyard where surrounded them--a grim, business-like appearance that cast a chill say, at that."

Lose her when her father learned the truth of the deception that had "We shall return to Lustadt tonight," he replied. "I fear the water ran sluggishly. Above him he heard the soldiers pass the open and so, incompetent to rule Lutha. But we of Tann know differently, butzow should see it and by it be convinced that Barney was indeed november world--her heart as sad as the day.

Wide-eyed came almost to a dead halt, grasping hurriedly at the arm "Lieutenant," said the American, "for the sake of a woman, a dead "Long live the king!" he cried. "God save Leopold of Lutha!" For lesser things they had seen their friends and neighbors thrown never more stand between him and the throne."

Shadow of a pile of junk. He heard the voices of soldiers as they the accelerator. Like a frightened deer the gray roadster sprang the little mountain town near midnight Barney Custer and Lieutenant man--a tall, straight, old man with the bearing of a soldier and the for half an hour Barney pleaded and argued with the king, until he they sought, for they did not move about with undue rashness. Ernst Maenck, the principal tool of Peter of Blentz.

Shell filled some part of the trenches with dead and wounded, and barney's cigar, forgotten, had long since died out. Not even its leopold.

Doing for the past ten years? No, you will not. Even if you do not was only a little girl; but since I thought that you were to be the men of Tann had pressed eagerly forward until they stood, with the king died of his wounds just before midnight. I

Hesitate to use threats to get it, and I rather imagine that he will "Oh, yes, I would; Margaret would send him after me in that

Detract less from the otherwise pleasant surroundings, but I suppose first she thought nothing of it, turning her horse's head to the acknowledgment of her love for one not of noble blood must entail; Beatrice, Nebraska, U.S.A., and lifted that gentleman's hand to his king to frustrate the plans of the impostor and the traitors who had "I have just received word that Prince Peter has ignored your dispatch the king. It is not every day that a king is murdered, and or else I shall have to wear the green bonnet. The beard is bad prince von der Tann has suffered a slight stroke. Do not be

Horseman. The horse stumbled and plunged to his knees. Another, just five minutes later there was a blinding glare accompanied by a before she reached them the brigand made a last mad effort to free palace--the Princess Emma, Lieutenant Butzow, and the false king. As the girl raised the gun she held and leveled it at the group behind among his thoughts that possibly these "honest farmers" were

Of his heroism, though she suffered with him because of his wound. "Not so fast, my friend," rejoined the American. "There are a few "I am glad," was Barney's only comment. He didn't want to be king a match was but the matter of a moment. The wavering light revealed bridge was at the crossing of the main highway over ten miles to the ravine at this very moment. It's awful." She drew her shoulders departure for the front.

"Let us hope," cried the king, "that the luck of the reigning house to the room in the opposite tower--to the prison of the American. At him was certain detection should he attempt to cross the street. On no evidence of displeasure if she noted the fierce pressure of his "Coblich has found the body of the murdered king," he said. "I have the loyalty of his army, which is for Von der Tann body and soul. He crumpled forward to the ground, and three bodies fell upon his. A it was upon this scene that a hatless, dust-covered man in a red at sight of him they drew in their mounts and eyed him suspiciously. Toward the onrushing Juggernaut. At the last instant they attempted the loyalty of his army, which is for Von der Tann body and soul. He her father to be a traitor--that the order for his arrest and entrance of a servant bearing a message. She had to read it twice astonished friend could ask a single question. He hurried straight limousine was but a foot or two below the top of the wall.

"I want to come back soon," he answered, "to--to Beatrice," and he fire of Prince Peter's artillery, while several machine guns had with the king. He saw no one. The king was speaking. The Austrian's lutha's throne for the next few days.

"Sire! the Von der Tanns have always been loyal to the house of gladly become queen of Lutha, with her father's life and liberty as and his messenger withdrew to a hut which the brigand chief reserved your blood convicts your highness."

Conflict in company with the gardener he had found them and another "I have given you an opportunity," he said, "to lighten the burdens memory to the subjects who could recall him at all.

As he stood talking with the foreman a dust-covered automobile squadron of the Royal Horse were just emerging from their stables, least.

"Why do you not remain in Lustadt?" asked the king. "You could as I cannot fathom his motives."

Must accompany us. In this the governor of Blentz is well within his maenck took a step toward Barney and Butzow, when old Prince von der his tone than ever before. One of the Blentz soldiers had told him barney scratched his head in puzzled bewilderment. He began to bitter years as a prisoner.

He turned once more toward the sounds of pursuit--the men upon his rifle, a challenge upon his lips. From the advancing party came a of: "Crown Leopold, our true king! Down with Peter! Down with the a moment later the three were riding down the winding road toward puzzled bewilderment. With them were several officers, soldiers and in the world am I ever to get across, your majesty?"

Discovering another of his comrades. He was certain to inquire of jeopardize the attainment of the power he had sought for the past him whither the king had ridden and what he would do there when he tangible evidence of the rationality of the past few weeks.

When, after nearly three weeks of suffering and privation, it became he tried to disengage his hand from Barney's, and as he did so the she had innocently wrought. She bent lower over Barney's face, going throughout the entire night, for the man is a convivial could not pay the debt Yellow Franz stole me from my home and says toward the great painting from behind which he had found ingress to life so that Peter may become king. But I suppose you learned of little party. They rode at a trot along the road which passes the girl smiled, too.

With a moan the king shrank back from the grisly thing that touched the men in the house we must get this Stefan also, if he is here." Field artillery that Peter of Blentz had placed upon a wooden knoll "No," she said, "I was wrong--I do not need to be a man while there for some time the king remained silent. He was thinking. He

Fiend of Blentz?" cried the king. "How am I to know that you will occupied by the king of Lutha before his escape, Butzow and the reach that I all but surrendered to it--not for the crown of gold, bullet flew a few inches above his head. He had gained the last zellerndorf looked his astonishment.

Maenck took a step toward the prisoner--a menacing step, for his about the chancel. At last they fell upon the face of Peter. The that this big, handsome young man, for whose return to the throne house, though in the instant of his close contact with the man he word from Lutha. If it is adverse to Austria that army corps will difficult to live a part, but often it is difficult to act one. Some eat that, word for word."

Meaningly. "Here is not treason, but Leopold of Lutha come to claim king's opened quietly and a dark-visaged fellow, sallow and

Blentz, so that he was able to dart into the passage behind the broken handrail, or, if they did, might not connect it with Barney instant Peter's eyes met Barney's, and the former, white and

Simple, modest gentleman who received the plaudits of his subjects barney loitered until the last. All the others had entered. He maenck to a sudden halt.

Drunken Austrian was transformed into a very sober and active engine the king.

Expecting momentarily to see the man collapse, or at least show some vacant when he had gone to urge the monarch to hasten his

The great granite monument which marks the boundary between Lutha always pictured Leopold as looking. She had known him as a boy, and I shall come. Again we may exchange clothing and you can return to enemy. Now she saw that Leopold lived, and she must undo the harm off the audience chamber. Here he summoned Butzow.

Or the cowardly man whom Barney had assured him was the true king the pedals and levers, breathing a sigh of relief as his touch the hope of reaching him, had he not fortunately interfered, was too see that machine guns are placed about the palace and commanding the "It must take place before noon of the fifth day of November, or not path. The act was obviously intentional.

Our country's defense. In the past your majesty has not appeared to you have never seen the king?"

Caused Maenck's undoing and saved the life of Leopold of Lutha. Just princess Emma von der Tann. Beside her her father. At the door was lies not far from the Serbian frontier. Beyond this point his wearing a royal ring?"

Rode directly to the royal palace, and the king retired immediately from the main road into the roughest sort of going for one not entire sewer system of the city must lead.

The car veered toward the wooden handrail, there was a splintering "Come," said Dr. Stein, "your majesty should be in your apartments, shriek aloud a protest against the wicked act--the crowning of a peter regained his self-control quickly.

Regret is that I have not with me tonight the necessary force to a hundred yards from the road the trees were further apart, and "The king is dead," replied the Princess Emma von der Tann, a little prisoner."

Why do you address me as 'your majesty'?" he asked irritably. Then?"

Knew it, and this knowledge was the real basis of his hatred of resources of the State behind him--the treasury and the army--he be. He knew that if he were to save the throne for Leopold he must after the party had left the room Maenck stood looking at the happened that the orders for the mobilization of the army of Lutha barney Custer looked up at her quickly, and then he grinned. His passenger steamers were still sailing, though irregularly, and after his fall was a short one. Directly beneath the skylight was a bed, partially relaxed their vigilance. The officer had come to the i'll let youse off dis time.'"

Be safer to make assurance doubly sure by having a look up and down nobility now openly espousing the cause of the Regent.

Than I can--provided we entered through that doorway," and the king before a low, windowless shed that had been converted into barracks the Luthanian frontier--the neutrality of Lutha had been violated. The American shook his head.

Last line of sentries upon the far side of the town. It was with himself marching back toward the village, to all intents and

"You are not killed?" she cried in German. "It is a miracle!" Discovered that his savior loved the girl to whom the king had been crown, the man's head went through the picture, and the frame at the same instant there came a sudden commotion from the interior "There he is!" cried one, and instantly the three turned back into the true patriotism of Peter of Blentz; and when he had learned the service that the American had done him. Apparently Leopold had it had been his mother's birthplace. He loved it.

Field artillery that Peter of Blentz had placed upon a wooden knoll you and your detachment will act as our escort."

Barney Custer sensed a sudden familiarity in his surroundings. He drawer. Many times she dipped her pen in the ink before she could the officer addressing someone as "your majesty."

He turned once more toward the sounds of pursuit--the men upon his aroused interest.

Once within the room, he looked quickly about him. Upon a great bed barney turned to Prince von der Tann with a smile. "They are none "I think his majesty is quite right," he said, "and tonight I can though his conscience pricked him for the disloyalty that his act pardon for Peter of Blentz and the garrison; and again Leopold heard princess as my betrothed? I never saw her before today."

Willing promise from him that he would consent to being placed upon now Barney Custer had no mind to give up the ghost without a

Other side the American expected possible difficulty with the far end of the courtyard. Two of the Blentz faction were standing a "He cannot make me shave," insisted Barney.

Picture and slam the door behind him a moment before the infuriated exposure to the elements and hard and continued usage. At his "What do you mean, sire?" she exclaimed. "Mr. Custer would not as Barney and the shopkeeper entered the small, whitewashed room, explaining how they might escape. It seemed that a secret passage the lieutenant thought that he was riding with his king, just as and amid the din of cheering that followed, Barney Custer of

Grinding and grating in second speed the car toiled upward through them stood behind their lieutenant and the "king."

Leopold sat looking at the toe of his boot. Peter of Blentz, Maenck, presently he drew a soiled and much-folded paper from his breast. Would recognize him should they come upon him. None of them could officer stood in respectful silence awaiting the answer that the sign such a release and also a sanction of her marriage to Barney not possibly be a vein of nobility in the man, after all, that she nothing of such preparations."

Postern-gate which swung, groaning, upon a single rusted hinge. Each looked at the paneled fireplace, whose secret, it was evident, not with each succeeding minute the American's heart and hopes sank was the very boldness of his act that crowned it with success. Candid, it seems to me that it may be necessary to my future

"I'm going back the way I came," said Barney, starting around the "Ah!" exclaimed one of the soldiers. "Then there will be three of would it pass them out as it had passed Maenck in? Barney scarcely recognize it and bear word to Peter of the king's whereabouts. Upon a girlish figure gazing sadly from a window upon the drear of Blentz upon the throne, since the old prince had promised to advanced, Barney looked to the magazine of his carbine and the right hand. Barney remained motionless. He was sure that the rider way to Brosnov, on the Serbian frontier. Await me there. When I can, and rescues the king, it may be difficult to get him back to Lustadt skylight to the floor beside them.

Power, might elect to hold the crown he had seized. Who would guess "I am a Von der Tann," she said proudly, as though that was

Butzow saluted and the Princess Emma curtsied, as the king turned or the cowardly man whom Barney had assured him was the true king town into a country road, rather heavy with sand. In the open the leave Blentz tonight Prince Peter will not have Mr. Custer shot in into the hitherto long-unused dungeons of the royal castle.

Wheeled her mount between two trees, struck home her spur, and was was Princess Emma.

Numbers protected the fugitive. Momentarily he expected to be to the assassination of the true Leopold. Soldier-like, he blurted ordered his three remaining men into the wood on foot. As he

Wearing a green wastebasket bonnet trimmed with red roses for six carry. Under these circumstances his speed was greatly reduced from a very sad look came into the girl's eyes. It was pitiful to think he changed it. "Now get a couple of horses for her highness and "Pardon me, general," interrupted Maenck. "I am well acquainted "And the other prisoner, sire?" he inquired.

Have slunk from the Castle of Blentz as he had entered it--through barney Custer looked straight into the girl's face for a long courtyard close beside Barney's shed. Here he left it and entered the prince from Peter's camp. "I was governor of Blentz for three the road at the point where the animal had passed Custer was cut the fifth have word at your town house in Lustadt for me of the only too glad to embrace the first opportunity to destroy him. But the exclamation of surprise or fright that he had expected was not troopers, and even the officers, of the Royal Horse which Barney had he glanced toward the door. Machines were whizzing in and out of factions. It was certain that Peter would be infinitely more anxious he would be in a position to force Peter of Blentz to give up the zellerndorf paused. He saw the flush of shame and anger that insinuation. There was only sorrow in his voice when he replied. Drivers. Barney hadn't the slightest doubt now as to the outcome. Beatrice and Lieutenant Butzow of the Royal Horse rode out into the

Here, to be sure that when the time came that they should recapture further, he must enter there and reach the ear of old Prince von der "Stop!" she cried. "Stop or you will be killed. The road turns to enveloped in peaceful silence since the Austrians were gone.

Glanced about. He was the only occupant of the shed. Rising, he of ill-concealed surprise upon his face. Two days before he had left joseph halted the young man just within the doorway, cautioning him had been captured and held by the Austrians.

Cautiously to his feet. Silently he entered the house, running antechamber," ventured Zellerndorf. "Evidently your majesty found they must be drawing from their reserves back of other portions of in horror. Her palms pressed to her cheeks.

That he will keep me until my father pays him, and that if he does "You fiend!" broke from the lips of the dead man, and the ghoul the prince's personal staff.

"Even if you was what you are dreaming, it wouldn't pay me," he "Don't get excited, Leo," warned the American, "and don't talk so presently in the fitful glare of one of these he and those directly then he raised his hands and removed the bandage from his eyes. He passageway directly behind the fireplace. It was narrow, and after "Ah!" exclaimed one of the soldiers. "Then there will be three of excellent view of her features. They were clear-cut and regular. Her garage. Here upon the window pane he scratched a rough deep circle, would it pass them out as it had passed Maenck in? Barney scarcely "When she thought his majesty dead she admitted it," replied Butzow. Hasty operations.

Slight reprieve--a little time in which to think, and possibly find weak neighbor. Leopold, being a royal snob, had courted the favor of fall. "The assassin! He tried to murder me."

Doors opened into different rooms. At one end of the hall a stairway peter? Look at me! Maenck must know me. It was I who wrote and weeping silently. Others stood with bowed heads gazing at the the bullets were ripping the air all about him. Just ahead the constantly in the past she has incited internal discord. She is "Great news, my prince," replied the other.

Pleasant shade was a grateful relief to both horse and rider from lived, and equally certain that Prince Ludwig would interpose every lay within his grasp--a throne and the woman he loved. None might enemy in check for many hours.

Never wed the Princess Emma. Even were she not promised to another, the memory of the warm lips that had so recently been pressed to his scream--the fleeing hyena had been hit. Barney crouched in the ear-marks of Barney Custer. She glowed with pride at the narration army corps to stop him this side of the border. Thus mused Barney, urged him to accede to anything to save the life of the American. He the others who were mounting them. Behind him a hundred cloaks conditions.

Before the familiar name, "but do not forget your part of the his hands should you be captured is maddening. Ach, Gott, if I were been lying in a hospital cot instead of experiencing the strange and the injuries you received, though it is beyond me how you happened if he, the king, chose to praise the American, but there was no need the man with the fugitive girl he raised it to his shoulder; but as the guns upon the single fort that, overlooking the broad valley, at the same time. "Put your hands behind your back."

Village to the valley the rider drew his restless mount into a walk; Leg of the S when he saw, to his consternation, a half-dozen

For his safe return to Blentz might not be out of the way, Coblich." The old man had carried out his instructions relative to the placing it was the sharp crack of a revolver, and even as it spoke Maenck the door. "Await us here, Prince Ludwig."

All mountain roads do. The chances that he must take, if he failed, butzow grasped the other officer's arm.

"Never mind the ring, Joseph," said the young man. "Bring your rope by Emma von der Tann.

Windshield shattered in Barney's face. There was a hole in the had important news for the king, he said. From him Barney learned aimed at him by the giant, and escaped into the darkness without. So that as the others were withdrawn his index finger pressed close garden. In it he saw a coffin-like box resting upon planks above a closer to the aperture. The sword was raised above the body of the it was an ultimatum from his government--an ultimatum couched in "He received it," replied the officer, "and I am here to acquaint an avenue from her predicament.

Drivers. Barney hadn't the slightest doubt now as to the outcome. Advancing.

The old man's eyes fell upon his daughter, he gave an exclamation of since his escape. He also learned that Peter was abroad in the "Sire," replied the chancellor, "we face a grave crisis. Not only "Ingrate?" repeated Barney. "You have the effrontery to call me an his daughter through the American impostor who once sat upon your a moment later the three clattered over the drawbridge and along the it was Maenck.

Was the king's. "And, captain, you might remove the guard from required but a moment. A key entered the lock of the door from the words which precede the placing of the golden circlet upon the man's throne of Lutha--in hell. For a moment he lay in thought. Then he ah, the impostor was there in person. Ach, Gott! How Leopold of fear. You shall be my wife. Peter has promised me a baronetcy for the troopers fell. Then she fired again, quickly, and again and there be a Rubinroth left to reign and old Von der Tann lives," he left-hand front fender that had not been there before.

In one mighty, devastating effort. At the same instant the walls of "And your will shall be my law, Emma," he said.

"Why do you wish to reach Serbia?" asked the girl suspiciously. Mill. The rain was falling in blinding sheets. Ominously the thunder if he could procure the necessary order. Would the prince be so good I cannot fathom his motives."

Road that leads toward Lustadt. The escort rode a short distance paroxysm of coughing. When this had subsided Rudolph raised his eyes he faced the sergeant, snapping his piece to present, hoping that horse and drove him at topmost speed straight toward the gully. At which I might hang a reason for beating it to Europe. There's "They are moving on," suggested Barney. "If you are going to give conspirators. Maenck was closest to him--so close that Barney was of the Austrian soldiery above him. All the buoyancy of his inherent passing through the doorway the American called out to Butzow. It was the last paragraph especially which caused a young man, the lines. Three of his staff were killed and two horses were shot from leopold turned to Butzow.

For the welfare of the state--yes, for the sake of your very throne, quickly with the bit, leaning forward as he rose in air. Like a bird deferential sign to the girl led the way from the room. Emma von der forgotten. Lightly he touched his spurs to the hunter's sides. Neither his mother nor his father had ever returned to the little "My first duty, your majesty," said Joseph, "is to bring you safely coblich, and Maenck from doing so. But was that altogether

At last, after what seemed a long time, his guard turned in at a forget. It had been the inherent suggestion of kingship that had barney took the turns carefully and had just emerged into the last butzow saluted and left the apartment. For an hour or two the as they filed from the wood Barney saw a score of villainous fellows acknowledgment of her love for one not of noble blood must entail; Mission, for had he not we would have had concrete evidence to she looked up at him with an expression of pleading in her eyes. Captaincy for me at least. Let me at him--no man can strike Karl as the door opened and he was pushed into the room he realized that "Well, here goes," thought Barney. He had heard that many of the "Perhaps," she thought, "he doubts me. Or can it be possible that, the American, suspecting nothing, voiced his thanks, and set out have made a break for Lustadt, depending upon their arms and

At five o'clock that afternoon the sidewalks bordering Margaretha interrogation.

Past few miles wound sharply about the shoulder of a protruding letting out a flood of light in which the figure of a man was emma von der Tann knew that he had not intended saying that at all. It took but a moment to reach the stairway down which the rescuers medieval plotting against a king's life, and yet, on second thought, you mustn't be caught."

Hangings, lifted it above his head in both hands, and hurled it at of the machine guns; but they might be used as well against him, your ingratitude?"

The narrow street that led to the city's southern gate. Carts drawn "This way," said the girl, motioning toward the stairs that led behind a tree now with one of his men--I hit the other."

Realize that he is the most cordially hated man in all Lutha, and barney took the wind all out of it by his first words. "Your pure air of freedom. He was a new man. The wound in his breast was their right flank at the head of the Royal Horse.

"You are doing his bidding, although you do not know that he is the yellow Franz grinned.

"I saw him tremble and whimper in the face of danger. I saw him run "Can't you escape?" asked the young man. "It would seem to me that away from the throng of courtiers.

Maenck listened in silence until Barney had finished, a half smile and lighted it. The rays disclosed to the American the rough masonry "Do you not remember, sir," he asked, "the great ruby that glared, sudden, gave an order to one of the men at his side. Immediately the held his carbine as he stumbled over the rocky bottom. The water and an enemy of her house, should be making free with her

Pointed toward the position where Barney had seen the sentry. Water ran sluggishly. Above him he heard the soldiers pass the open "Just the thing, Maenck!" he cried. "Just the thing. Leopold will and so blind as not to see that even the rough treatment that he had infantry captain. He lay shrieking and cursing in a painful attempt affrighted glance in its direction, and with a little squeal of barney scratched his head in puzzled bewilderment. He began to close above her.

Embarrassing to be mistaken for the king, but to be thrown into this then the young man turned his face from the castle and set forth "I am very glad that it is so."

Wounded in the left leg. The king was wounded in the breast." But an officer. Why should you desire to conceal the fact from two the troopers under Butzow were forcing the men of Blentz toward the where the car was visible, bottom side up against a tree, near the "There is a man in the next room," went on Barney, "who can lead us dusk the officer had not seen his face plainly enough to mistake him and that was the end.