A Random "The Mucker" Cutup

Attack the girl brutally after her scathing diatribe. Billy did nothing which Pesita might now be expected to receive the news that eight of his states cavalry regiment. See 'em! See 'em? God! but don't they look bILLY BYRNE squared his broad shoulders and filled his deep lungs with from her cabin window Barbara Harding had witnessed the wanton wrecking sitting-room he had quitted but a few minutes before.

Over the edge of the hatchway and disappeared from the sight of the miguel had pricked up his ears at the sound of the word ESCORT. He swenson following with Barbara Harding, and as they came Oda Yorimoto accomplishing the Herculean task, and had it been any other horse upon "I didn't want to," said Billy; "not in that round. I'm reserving the gets it. It makes me want to hike until I find that place he's singin' thus, in silence, the party commenced the ascent of the trail which toward the cove on the wave following the one which had dropped the poor, bleedin' Mexico? If I was a-doin' that they ain't nothin' criminal under escort of the men of the Thirteenth Cavalry who had pursued plan would have assured him may not be questioned, for the man was a siwash girl fer him."

The fans saw and appreciated the spectacular bravado of the act, and fellow was Billy Byrne, and there was a five-hundred-dollar reward out byrne, apparently unmoved by the seriousness of Theriere's condition, "It don't get under the ribs like those verses of yours, though, bo," he the gringos!"

This, then, must be the second door," he soliloquized, "and it is upon red Sanders gave a little start, peering in the direction that his "Jose has another visitor," he said. "Possibly this one is less harmless of his toughness, for Billy prided himself on being a tough, he now felt anthony Harding stood with white face and clinched hands during Byrne's "Because I thought that I had killed him," he replied, "the day that we and then the door crashed in and half a dozen troopers followed by behind them where he and Theriere had left him. The samurai were now and then sauntered up the street to the bank, which he entered, still was entirely indifferent to them.

"I didn't know yeh was kiddin," replied the mucker, "or I wouldn't have billy approached the farmhouse from which the sounds of awakening still the still heart, until she knew beyond peradventure of a doubt that her were gathered about the hatchway leading to the forecastle. Some of them want you back, Eddie. I don't care ef you believe me, son, or not; but "I wonder where that blew in from," remarked Grayson, as his eyes them. He argued that the man was guilty of disloyalty and therefore a how easy it would have been to have hesitated a moment in the window the men of the Lotus looked on in mute and helpless rage. All were little short of marvelous. Theriere's stock went up by leaps and bounds "They're the Chinks," announced Byrne, who insisted on using this word to him, he assures Pesita that he is for Carranza, whereupon Pesita once before when he had kicked the unconscious Theriere that time upon entered he found himself looking straight at the business end of a 'what'---you must try to talk as I talk. No one in the world speaks finds us in the Piman country we won't never make it. Anyway," he outstretched hand.

"Five hundred dollars," thought Billy, "is a lot o' coin. I just wonder at El Orobo Rancho Barbara walked to and fro outside the ranchhouse. "Any answer?" he asked.

In another land and with companions of her own kind she could well an old acquaintance, had cast his lot with it; nor had the growing stay I let him go. Otherwise I shoot you both with Miguel."

Been respect and admiration. It had seemed incredible to Billy that a the law. They wanted to send me up for life--me, an innocent man. Your at this juncture the mucker opened his eyes.

Engaged a room in the rear of the building, overlooking the yard. The gag that she might reply.

Said. "I am only a prisoner, call me a passenger if you like--I have no "De skipper's gorn to get his barkers, Billy," cried Bony Sawyer. "Yeh salvage of the Halfmoon as the waves had deposited in the shallows of aboriginal ferocity of the head-hunting natives they had found there and damage had been done on either side, it left no shadow of a doubt in the and discipline did they show any of the influence of their civilized thought, for if any could save her it would be he.

Smile with which he had greeted her left his face, and his parting bow the girl watched Billy Byrne forging his way through the swift rapids. Of nerves, would have succumbed to the shock alone; but Billy was not as suddenly he staggered to his feet. Barbara Harding sprang up, startled wheeling to the north he clapped his spurs to his new mount and loped their host understood his words and turned toward the two Americans. And the shiny little stars."

Striving to outdo the men who worked with him, and this spirit, despite detective Sergeant Flannagan of Headquarters, Chicago, slouched in a by the first shots.

Above the bedding. Put your ear to it and listen--I think Divine is in the march turned and withdrew--she was alone with Oda Yorimoto and his billy's grasp.

"Why, we just washed before we left our room," expostulated Billy. Understand how it had happened.

"Here's their trail," he said. "If it's as plain as that all the way we anthony Harding was horrified. Both his companions were down, and the to pick it up again.

Yes! It must be he. Greedily she read and re-read all that had been quartered; but it was hard to refuse Miss Barbara anything.

"An' you're goin' to stan' fer lettin' 'em pull off this rough stuff "Brazos was my pony. He's the one you picked out for me to ride while brook they paused to rest, hopeful that they had entirely eluded their secret out of him in another half-hour if he were not more careful. The necessary authority to proceed upon the trail of the fugitive, i'll give you a tryout."

Her life belong anyway but to him--had he not saved it twice? What reminiscently; "but I can only recall one stanza."

Bottom of his heart; but he did not blame Bridge--it was fate. Nor did point-blank at the American.

Billy was thinking as he never had thought before. It seemed to him a after eating, repaired at once to the joys of the cantina; while Bridge billy heard the lock turn, and a moment later the door was cautiously oldest inhabitants."

And he wondered that so pusillanimous a thing as Divine could have "Well, then, tell me wot youse do want me to do."

Hey, Jose!" cried one of the vaqueros from El Orobo Rancho; "you old theriere's words came back to him: "Good-bye, Byrne; take good care "I t'ought youse was soft on her," replied the mucker, "an' dat's de and live straight, for he saw in the young giant the makings of a great byrne you ain't goin' to murder me, are you? They'll get you, sure." Something stopped me--something held my hand from it, an' lately I've fired. Billy's horse stumbled at the first report, caught himself, street to work his territory.

Left arm beneath his shirt; "but, Lord, man! what could I do against of yesterday's woman's golf tournament. And as she searched her eyes breast, screamed, and sank back behind a clump of mesquite. The other countenance. "Isn't there a Chinaman and a couple of faithful Mexicans?" To the office where Grayson and Bridge were going over some of the the frightened gasp of a woman. Billy emitted a low growl, in fair further preparations to make, Barbara, please make haste,

Fighters from New York and its environs. He thrashed them all--usually before dawn I will send two men--they will be our best shots--on ahead. Of wire until the tumblers should all be in line.

Demand tribute from a wealthy ranchero, only to find that word of she turned the knob and pushed the door open, slowly. A man was sitting they rushed toward the hut of Oda Yorimoto, filling the outer chamber "You know it, cul--go to 't," was Billy Byrne's laconic rejoinder. "One-thousand dollars," cried the bank president, "to the man who stops menace. What he thought, but did not advance as an argument, was of vessel. All had been crowded in the bow when the ship broke in two, together they backed away toward the shadow of the trees beyond the "You're on," replied Billy. "Let's turn in."

There was no chance that they would be interrupted in their gruesome say that I blame you; but I want you to remember what I say to you now. The suspicion which the captain entertained of Billy since the episode thought to the strange position in which circumstance had placed her. When we leave your island we shall set him free; but renew your attack vessel was now opposite the cleft in the cliffs. Theriere had lashed destination of the mutineers, but so narrow a one as soon to convince great service to us, for he is very friendly with the Germans--yet he dashed back to the bridge to confer with his captain.

Room, but despite their best efforts the two were not able to lift the nisho had been slain by the woman of the sei-yo-jin.

I look great comin' up here buttin' in, wit youse bunch of highlifes?" Innocent-like; but first we caches de dough in de woods. We tells 'em we warrior was upon him.

In upon him through the rich, mellow voice of the solitary camper, and struck you."

As he had explained it to Billy Byrne the idea was to permit Mr. Harding that island you will find Miss Harding, Norris, and Foster. Now hurry." Again the gasp, and a low: "Go away!" in liquid feminine tones--and in here Bridge sat on guard over the foaming open sesame to food while at this juncture the mucker opened his eyes.

Dink scratched his head, and as the possibilities of the scheme filtered barbara and her father were at the door as he ascended the steps. Conceivably stand between him and the woman he loved--the woman who had regretting it because you have taught me what a brutal, cowardly thing I entire success.

The room in which he was confined was stuffy with the odor of trained fighter who faced him; but Cassidy knew that it was a plain case these half-breed devils on the island. I doubt if they have killed what the mucker beard of that conversation made him prick up his ears. Wide at what was revealed between.

"Lay down your carbines!" Billy shot his command at the firing squad. Different channels. And in that moment a question sprang, all unbidden which lies below the lowest which society recognizes as a part of "No, an old woman guards me," replied the girl, and at the same time to the east they heard the diminishing rifle fire of the combatants as "dude" would give him some slight pretext for "pushing in his mush," as convulsion of nature would arouse him.

"Wouldn't you rather be a 'highbrow' too?" she asked, "and live up on self-appointed tutor took in his progress--further it meant just so much "You are not offended, I hope," said he. "This is a sad old world, you never had he faced death in the courage-blighting form which the grim within range of this old gat of Theriere's, and you may not get even hurricane, an' as fer spyin' on youse, I wasn't; but from de looks I cadence to the ticking of seconds that would count his man out. To repay Byrne in so far as he could the great debt he owed him. All the man was sitting at a table a short distance from Billy. Two other over his nose and above his ears, and when it was safely in place she kick the fellow into consciousness of his impending fate. Instead he those who pay the ransom."

Bridge was off his horse the instant that the familiar voice sounded in nothing but an insufferable bully, and a cowardly murderer. You murdered their host understood his words and turned toward the two Americans. Stranger had merely shown one of those sudden and ephemeral bursts of coming meal.

"Pardon me, Miss Harding," he said; "the door is bolted--let me unlatch papers. As he did so the movement bared his wrist, and as the firelight her. Barbara Harding, finding herself unmolested, finally acceded to the neighbor of the last victim hears of it in time, and later Pesita comes grayson dropped her arm, and as he did so she drew herself to her full right was still good.

Commenced to feel that this giant of the slums was invulnerable, and leaned far forward, closer to the two Americans, and whispered. Wrath and Skipper Simms--just enough to set him to wondering what was of His Satanic Majesty. He had hit oftener from behind than from before. Cup with water, took a long drink, set the cup back on top of the cask, done, which was to have come from the safety of New York City to the again and again, until in twenty minutes he had a goodly mess of plump, into the room. It was Billy Byrne. Through the window he had seen what "or we'll go to pieces on them rocks afore ever we find a landing." This, too, was slow work; but it was infinitely less liable to attract strange contradictions of Billy Byrne's personality that he could of the distance where the little dust devils raced playfully among the restaurant.

She gripped the short sword which she still held, and took a step into for several days the wonder of her beauty had been growing upon him, billy threw himself upon his stomach and crawled slowly forward stopping others, unaccustomed to firearms, drew back in dismay. Again Theriere a frown suddenly clouded his face. "Why did I take it?" he asked outer door of the office he saw a horseman leap from a winded pony withdrew a handful of silver which she permitted to trickle, tinklingly, others looked. A horseman was just visible urging his mount upward to the direction of the shelter that he might see how plainly the men there breathed a deep sigh of relief and throwing her arms about his neck "I dunno," said Billy. "What difference does it make?"

Ground at the base of the little hill, and then parallel to the arroyo they had reached a point on the river not far from Jose's when a band him, and he couldn't have stood that. No, it was better as it had turned had thrown herself in, she was in the channel swimming for her life. The sailing vessel's sails were soon hoisted and trimmed, and in half was among her guard.

After-effects of whiskey and a drug--mentality, vitality, and courage tumbling waste of water. And then the truth of what had happened to him thought to the strange position in which circumstance had placed her. Had risen in profane questioning and protest. Billy ignored them. He was that he got was an occasional five spot for appearing in preliminary appearance had warned the two against revealing their presence. Vessel led us to believe that it might be the 'Clarinda,' or Halfmoon. Considerable distances, and twice the mucker had lifted the girl bodily

Windows. Seeing a dark form within, and being a Mexican he raised his doorway. The old woman stood screaming in Piman at the top of her lungs. In his saddle, held the bridle reins of the horses of his companions. Not ridden as many miles as he had during the past two days, so that scoundrels."

I like Mr. Bridge, anyhow," she called back over her shoulder, "for skipper Simms, seeing what Theriere had done after it was too late to street to work his territory.

Ahead, sought a table; but as he was about to hang up his cap and seat whether it was, after all, going to be so easy to steal food. Anything could be, and only served to add to his hatred for the realization of the extremity of her danger. She rose to a sitting certain as fate itself that Japs are not head-hunters."

Go below!" he shouted. "I'll attend to you later. If Miss Harding were safer when he is behind the bars."

Mistake to so totally disable the Lotus as you did. Why, how on earth falling back slowly and firing constantly as they came the four ward detailed two of his men, and the party of five began the difficult could not forget the heroism of her rescue by this brutal fellow when end. This other way is better, though I hate to have to split with you, consanguinity in case of trouble.

The Halfmoon's pitching bow into the angry sea, that was rising to more with him found that he fitted so perfectly into their scheme of action man back--they were in no danger.

"Reminds me of a boarding party of pirates," remarked Billy Mallory, outstretched arm. The girl watched him for a moment, a puzzled sat a bent old man, smoking. He looked up as Barbara's figure darkened "Funny them greasers don't come in from the north range with thet bunch imperative. They themselves were fagged, too, and when a ranchhouse knew that it was so, and with an ugly grunt he turned his back upon her that a treasonable act. Some of the funds upon which his government bleedin' Mexico," and Billy grinned a large grin.

Sheltering screen behind which a regiment might have hidden. The place would have been proof positive of this without other evidence; but there climb at best. In many places they were forced to walk hand in hand for proceed to business without fear of alarm from him," and the Frenchman handed the clerk a bit of paper. Even before it was read Billy knew theriere remained silent for a moment as though thinking.

Education. He gloried in the fact that he was personally acquainted with "Cross my heart hope to die," he assured her.

A young woman of less experience might have given some outward make, unexplained and doubtless unexplainable by any other than a higher grayson."

Destiny than any of the days that had preceded it. Bridge was moved to and seized the book as a football player seizes the pigskin after a again her head was up and her shoulders squared. Tying the hackamore through his forehead.

Negotiable, while the forecastle hatch had been abandoned entirely after her eyes was well suited to fill her with astonishment, for she found i'll give you a tryout."

The Halfmoon's pitching bow into the angry sea, that was rising to more were the ugly words he had spoken a short time before--and now Theriere usually coincident with an acute financial depression in Billy's change just as quick as the Lord'll let us. I can't, so you two'll have to. I'm even professional courtesy could scarce restrain Sergeant Flannagan's at the farmhouse the farmer's wife greeted them kindly, thanked Billy capacity of Theriere's servant was about as distasteful to him as the smoking rags that Ward and Blanco had resigned to him that they bony's proposal. They couldn't spare a man now. Later he could punish be where dem guys cooped up de little broiler."

States. When the ransom is paid over to these agents they will return as he sat puzzling his brain over the inconsequential matter something he spoke no word for the girl held a silencing finger to her lips. Bridge continued to sit where he had reined in his pony. He was looking position and preparedness, and had he done what Billy Byrne would have must have been a fine girl."

The man spoke Spanish, so that it was necessary that Bridge interpret awake? Billy scarce breathed. The samurai turned restlessly, and then, interviews with everybody, and all were agreed that he was the most feet; but they had scarce crossed half the distance to the doorway when entire force and loot the bank; but Billy Byrne, out of his past "They're waiting for dark," said Bridge to Mr. Harding during a billy Byrne turned inquiring eyes in the direction of the opening door, "What is it?" asked the gentleman a moment later as he appeared in a rescuer still lived.

She realized that its cause was as much that the man had proved true to know the word from the legends of my ancestors. We have no need for koku barbara translated the man's words to the mucker.

To believe that Theriere and his companions had been duped by Skipper ahead, and I've instructed Mr. Foster to have the boats in readiness to "Nor I, Miss Harding," agreed Theriere glibly. "The man deserves nothing avenue was less than a thousand miles away!

Wont to smooth his brow and stroke back his red hair. Eddie gulped. Moment she stood in thought and then ran quickly down the steps and in there is always a fly in the ointment, and Billy only sighed and came "I don't know why you did it," said Theriere.

"What are we to do?" cried the older man. "They will get us again as the Halfmoon, for workers such as the mucker developed into are not to billy replied that they were not--merely looking for employment upon an "They will help me to bear whatever is before me bravely, and, when the "But how are we to get there?" asked the girl, looking fearfully at the opening of buds. Beside a slow-moving stream a man squatted before a "Ah!" he exclaimed, "my dear Captain Byrne. Just in time to see a had come.

We stand off Pesita we can never escape to the border through Villa's reply he went on: "Dem's de guys dat beat us up back dere de udder side it will please you to know that you are succeeding."

While he picked up pugilistic lore, and absorbed the spirit of the knees giving up thanks to the Lord for their rescue--that was your of the mystery. Even his impending fate faded into nothingness by prisoners to him--"I will speak further with this man from Granavenoo." The moment, and he commenced the laborious task of retracing his steps before Billy came to a road he saw a light down in a little depression a rapid run in the direction of the little cluster of buildings. Bridge "There ain't no sich critter," replied Grayson; "but I guess that's the him was to make him mad--before he had been but peeved--peeved at the bridge had found an opportunity to relay the Mexican's message to Billy you as one of the mutineers when we're through with them, and you can presence.

Little girl!" as he passed her. Then the door was closed with a bang. Eddie did as he was bid, and when he entered the little room he saw four equals. Which being the case let's see if we can't rustle some grub, and of the capital that was to have furnished the swell feed the night the occupants of the ranchhouse were gathered at the small windows. A very large consumption of free lunch upon the purchase of a single "Not a ting, and at daylight we'll most likely have a scrap on our hands hand against her--that for the life of him he could not, nor ever again street to work his territory.

Had come upon the poetic Bridge and the two had made their carefree, than to Theriere for eventual rescue; and now, here she found herself in over the breastwork he saw a half-dozen Indians running rapidly toward there, quite still, while the hand of the referee marked the seconds: Were little better than so much junk, and to make the slender chances of undertaker and a preacher."

The sudden, hostile turn events had taken. Simms, Ward, and Theriere struck you."

Out there somewhere along the sea a ship is waiting patiently, "Come out o' dat," he bellowed. "Dat's no kind o' job fer a broiler." When you've done you ken hide in the barn 'til dark, an' after that billy Byrne, and then at Eddie Shorter and Mr. Harding.

"It was the fellow Byrne who did it," she said. "He has gone into the pass into the bank beneath.

A young woman of less experience might have given some outward men of the days that they were live things so were the habiliments of hideous and uncanny scream of a wildcat. The girl stopped short in breast, screamed, and sank back behind a clump of mesquite. The other "What made you think he was dead?" inquired the officer, looking closely bellowing of the typhoon.

Rooms, there to await an answer to the note. Henri Theriere, the second "Go easy there, Byrne," shouted Skipper Simms; "there ain't no call to "Flannagan ain't no bird--Flannagan's a dub."

Be none here. Detective sergeants were indigenous to the soil that the sight that met them was so astonishing that for a second the Kansan to accomplish it without wounding the man's feelings; but she determined boasts, took the head of the Grand Avenue mucker in her arms and covered you from Pesita. I understand that there is no love lost between the jabber yet, though I've copped off a little of it in the past two weeks. The more so as it was directly in line with suspicions which he himself the cliff's summit. Brush torn from the mass of luxuriant tropical ward was quick to recognize the turn events had taken, and to see that make a brave and desperate rally, as, though torn with agony, he lurched "Very well," said the girl. "I can be in no more danger one place aboard big man. His broad shoulders loomed immense above the back of the rude against the wall talking with the farmer woman. The other was busily come for us."

No longer doubt--that you accept me as the friend I would wish to be, I flinch.

"Not now," said Theriere, "someone might overhear just as you did. Wait range of hills behind us is a valley. In the center of the valley is typical bo. He was clean shaven and he rode a pony. He rode erect, too, killed. It will be sad; but it will not be our fault. We will swear the three into irons and all would be lovely; but now that fool Ward speed is not conducive to sentimental thoughts and so Billy had drink on an empty stomach.

Captured by Villa and is being held for execution in Cuivaca. You must the Pesitistas were watching too. They had ceased firing and sat in here on top of dese bluffs."

The question of labor involved in transporting the pail, empty, to the "On the level Eddie, I know your maw," persisted Billy. "I ben in your the camp toward the headquarters tent.

The two went to a rooming-house of which Bridge knew, where they could to an open window. The window belonged to the bedroom of Miss Barbara as he pondered Theriere's proposition he saw the wisdom of it. It would billy.

Have been times when I have remembered that I am the grandson of one of the girl turned away from the partition, her face white and drawn, her killed by bandits. It is not safe to go farther. Pesita's men are all older men than Mr. L. Bridge felt strange emotions move within their choice of both herself and her father. He could afford to bide his time, sat up and looked about him.

"Aw, shucks!" said Billy kindly. "You'll get home all right, kid. The to the office, paid their bill, and a few moments later were changing were mounted, and when Billy had loaded the remaining weapons upon the the hard earth and turned away.

Mr. Ward now we can work in comparative safety with a light breeze, shortly after midnight they struck a small mountain stream up which they constantly upon the alert, roving about the room to wherever a man was without word from the man she loved. Billy stiffened. He was hurt to the tangling his legs about the legs of his chastiser and dragging him to haven't been for a long time; but before I took a tumble to myself I'd the man awaiting him above but whetted his appetite for battle. The states. When the ransom is paid over to these agents they will return fought them off, except as he found it expedient to let them pass him; "Where is he?" someone asked. They were gathered in a little cluster now as she spoke Billy Byrne's eyes narrowed; but not with the cunning of now should he be restored to her as from the grave there seemed little adjoining dwelling. Here he found a large front room, and a smaller captain Norris looked at the speaker in undisguised horror.

The mucker sprang to his feet with an oath, and would have bolted for the samurai and three of the heavy shafts had pierced his body. Two were with his pocketknife he cleaned and scaled them, and then between two man. He always saw that every little detail was properly attended to existence to alter it and him.

Nothing of the sparring lessons his young neighbor had taken, or of the the Frenchman mentally ascribed the mucker's seeming lethargy to the red Sanders gave a little start, peering in the direction that his of men and horses a hundred yards away three men detached themselves then came the fourth round. Of course there was no question in the minds above them all was silence, yet Billy knew that alert, red foemen were can to retrieve the terrible wrong you have done me, and my father. You the manner of Grand Avenue, which is not a pretty, however effective, "Be still," admonished Byrne, feeling for the cords that he knew must the man for whom he had no use, whose kind he hated, reaching him as w.k. roped arena."

In the darkness of the forest she could not clearly distinguish the "But there is no shooting down in the valley," urged Rozales. The two went to a rooming-house of which Bridge knew, where they could boys must a-heard the shootin' an' they'll be along in no time now. Then "Pesita is on his way here to clean up El Orobo. He can't be very far "The memory of it and him will always help me," she answered quietly. "Wait here!" he commanded and sprang back toward Theriere.

A sharp stick which he held in his right hand. Then he presently broke his breast.

Ever hear of your speaking to her again, or offering her the slightest incredible; yet that was precisely what she longed for now.

"One of Pesita's officers rode him--an Americano. Tony and I saw this "This, then, must be the second door," he soliloquized, "and it is upon from the tramp upon the floor, toward whom he had leaped, and sprang for brazos, too. Caught the sneakin' coyote up to--up the river a bit." He billy Byrne, the arduous labor of making sail over for the time, was waited--waited for the coming of the men from the room beyond, snatching the ground. To the girl it seemed that the frightful wound in his chest i'm for you."

Knowledge of the language had not progressed sufficiently to permit him "Because one man speaks better English than another, or has read couldn't account for it. Again he shut his eyes for a moment. When he that bunch Ward will do you out of your share as sure as you are a foot stealthily along in the shadows until he was quite close to them, and that his former passion for this girl was love.

Is why I could not understand him. He speaks the language of the gringo on their way back to New York City after bidding Bridge good-bye in the is very large and appears to be equally strong. He should make a good of the guardhouse before he discovered a sentinel. The fellow lolled of my heart I considered them of different clay than I, and with souls, along which they rode. It was an excellent location for an ambush, and favor upon him. Such a thought would have sent him into a berserker but the boys did not come. Billy was standing up now, stretching his of old Japan. At the belts of two of her captors dangled grisly trophies couldn't last against such a man as the "white hope"!--they looked for a said: "As you, of course, cannot keep books the interview is now over. There an' these flea-bitten imitations of men ain't got the guts to go the chatter an' duck. There ain't enough fer one here, let alone he had planted in the unconscious man's face, were true indications of we may then be on the watch, and if possible you might find the means man's nakedness. Indian moccasins protected his feet, while a torn and and then Norris and Foster, having dispatched their man, came running saw the room beyond filled with surging warriors all trying to force stripped to the waist he displayed as wondrous a set of muscles as even murder which had sent him scurrying out of Chicago over a year before, "Thanks!" replied the girl. "I AM nearly dead."

Camp of the enemy, other than that of sleeping men. On the second trip him. He must a-shooed him away with a stick. An' saddle an' bridle an' amidships; but what he did not see was Mr. Ward upon the opposite side "I am the daimio, Oda Yorimoto," he said. "These are my wives. Now you have inflicted. Instead he would have felt keen enjoyment of her "James? Oh, James is my man," replied the other.

As Bender Ward is on the same ship with you. Do you understand what I effort to keep the ship off the rocks for a few moments longer. "Yes," replied the mate.

More Malay than Jap, and as the stricken man fell she saw the hilt of professor's life--he still talks of it, and doubtless shall until the pesita never dreamed but that Bridge had been dead since mid-forenoon. Arrested and charged with the crime, was an old enemy of Billy's, and repentance by helping her to civilization in safety, and delivering her looping the middle of the lariat over a bedpost Billy grasped both "Yes," said the other; "here's to his Knibbs, and--Penelope!" life would be the price of any further attack upon them.

Reached the point where Barbara was positive the sentry should be. Level of the street in front, its rear was flush with the ground. Billy was the first upon the platform. He was the first to see the open permitted a faint smile to flex his lips.

The eastern horizon through powerful glasses, until about two bells pesita himself burst into the room.

"It's been more'n a year since I had these on," he said, "an' I may be again he rode forward. Again the troopers interposed their mounts, and instinctively shrinking closer to her companion.

Theriere's words came back to him: "Good-bye, Byrne; take good care upon their road with a safe escort in the morning, and you shall command escort to El Orobo Rancho. Maybe he help us there after a while. If you slowly she approached the man, and leaning over placed her hand upon his the direction of the shelter that he might see how plainly the men there that it would be a good fight; there was nothing that he enjoyed more. For escape for his friend in Pesita's belief that Billy was no gringo, men you shot up day before yesterday when you took their steers from "Wot is it?" he asked, and his tone was softer than she had ever heard "Here's to," he started; but he got no further. His eyes traveling near the front windows. A short distance from the ranchhouse they could the ranch owner, now always fearful of attack, was upon the point power of matter over mind. A man of intellect, of imagination, a being to know. In the meantime think over who'd be the best men to let into where the men were congregated about Blanco, who was attempting to you was half a man you'd wanna die like one."

Upon them. They stood for a moment, then wavered, turned and fled from other men were running rapidly in the direction of the fight, attracted center of the village street; but," and his face clouded, "Oda Yorimoto, consciousness, the dim suggestion of a loud noise still reverberated. He "Quick!" said Billy. "Follow me," and turned at a rapid run toward the the rancho could boast, or, as the rancho would have put it, be ashamed punishment which the mucker had inflicted upon him overcame him at last, the pangs of hunger and thirst drove him to consider means for escaping lust.

Are like a bull. You stay with me, senor, and I make you captain. I need return it to its rightful owners if someone will find them for me." The opening of her cabin door. As she sprang to her feet ready to defend of the hill, or rather in that direction, for he had scarce deviated "James? Oh, James is my man," replied the other.

Poise. Skipper Simms, subdued for the moment, soon commenced to regain and, turning, retraced his steps to his blanket. Theriere could have to repel them. He glanced timorously toward the dark forest behind from after Billy Byrne, "you cowardly landlubbers you, get below there quick bellowing of the typhoon.

Childhood he had fought, always unfairly, so that he knew all the tricks were trying to defend the gringo and Miguel, both should be slain by the "I dunno," said the chief. "This guy says he knows Byrne well, an' that they ain't enough of 'em to go 'round. Do you remember how he stood up full view and his mind had been playing rapidly with seductive visions passed out and sought his pony; but when he had mounted and ridden from fire on the lofty point from which he had seen the Alaska and the Lotus to save as many of the men as possible without losing the ship in the the girl, still frightened and fearful of the man's intentions, did, come to town.

Upon the scene. There were both Americans and Mexicans among them. All wants to get me."

His heart were rage and hatred, and as the girl turned at the sound of windows? 'Member the Bible on the little marble-topped table? Eh? An' utter disregard of the consequences of life and death to himself that it for an hour he sat thus in silence, until, assured that all were asleep that I had come only a short distance when my horse threw me and ran before she had been expecting him, momentarily, to breathe his last--now spectators of the impending tragedy.

"To the camp of the liberator of poor, bleeding Mexico--to General in a single individual it still scarcely would have constituted a grand on which the building stood, and so made his way past the sentry and to least of all, would have suspected that the Grand Avenue mucker would premeditated attack. He was thinking. For the first time in his life he "Can't ride!" ejaculated Bridge. "Why, haven't I been riding ever since iseka's village like a man should fight. There ain't any yellow in him, ransom eider--youse can have dat, too."

Commenced to percolate into the befogged and pain-racked convolutions of a target at which to shoot again--a target which he had been positive he to view in the forest that ran up to meet them from below.

He not monopolizing the society of a very beautiful, and very wealthy features, always regular and strong, had taken on a peculiarly refined winter was in de air, an a fat-head dick from Chi was on me trail--so I academy, and time and time again Hilmore urged him to quit drinking another man might have attempted to evade the question but the new dem, while we hold de bag. Tought you'd double-cross us easy, didn't radius of two hundred miles of his abode.

Officer, coldly. "I did not embark upon this theatrical enterprise for the direction in which Bridge intended going. The American demurred. Knows the finer points of the game. And when it was over, while little barbara swung herself from the saddle, and handed her bridle reins to they left De Cadenet at his hotel, and as he bid them farewell the man is not necessary for both to stay."

Were as little boys playing hooky from school--not bad men; but rather with a shriek Barbara Harding turned from the awful sight as Billy about his hips. All were still dripping from their recent plunge in the making several purchases--two heavy sacks, a brace, two bits, and a in to the urge of cowardice and resigned. The day previous he had been "I'll not ferget," said Billy.

Early threats of awful vengeance to be wreaked upon the mate and skipper professor Cassidy thought so too, and grinned for two hours straight entered the opening denoted considerable depth.

Dey don't beat it, an' let us make our get-away. Theriere says as how invitation. Only absolute necessity, I assure you, could prevent me that he should be exonerated quickly. Billy, knowing his own innocence, evasion or an equally clever oriental lie.

"I'm wise to wot youse an' dat guy was chinnin' about," he growled, "an' riding around through rich country with soldiers liberating his poor, billy, for he had never even so much as spoken to the mucker, but in silence they returned to the upper deck. The intoxication of sudden the right."

Aboard. He could see them, huddled frightened behind Harding and Norris. Of June.

Wriggle its way through, but his courage was all there, and all to the certain as fate itself that Japs are not head-hunters."

Penelope!" queried Bridge. "I'm not at all sure that I follow you, is why I could not understand him. He speaks the language of the gringo bridge and Miguel into the valley on the morrow; but Rozales and the poured their volleys into the adobe walls and through the barricaded "Wouldn't you rather be a 'highbrow' too?" she asked, "and live up on door nor window, so that those within had no warning of their coming. All the Mexican vaqueros of El Orobo Rancho--ALL, my general, you "I dunno as dis place looks as good to me as it did," he remarked. "Dose showed some hundred fathoms before her nose, an opening through which guardhouse. The moment seemed propitious for his attempt.

Bravely he had battled to forget this wonderful creature, or, rather, last twenty-four hours than I've had since I parted from my dear old discovered Bridge astride the tired pony, looking at him through the here."

I thought I seen something move there," replied Wison. "Fer Gawd's sake and trace a name with silver beam,

Scene. Her lip curled in scorn at the sight of these men weeping and though."

The memory of it and him will always help me," she answered quietly. If she could cross the intervening space to the outer exit without "I can walk back," said Bridge, "it isn't far to town. I'll tell them god-fearing men would have given thanks for their miraculous rescue; Heart and feed it to the fox," which was rather a bloodthirsty statement barbara Harding stepped to Theriere's side.

Here they found three Americans who were totally unaware of Villa's days since. He now had assurances that it was on the way to him; but friday they couldn't for the lives of them remember.

Grayson and he assures me that an attempt at intervention upon our part stand 'em off. Have you heard anything of Miss Barbara?"

Of stealth or haste to arouse the American's suspicions. Bridge lay back halfmoon rose again, shaking the watery enemy from her back, the two men to escape into the forest, but the woman at the door evidently would not eating him.

And it stuck. It has always stuck, and now I haven't any other. I even the general was to depart in the morning. Shortly after, Bridge and the "Which way did he go?" asked the captain. "Did no one see him leave?" of this break in the monotony of a long sea voyage.

A lesser one. It took Theriere off his guard, threw him down and hurtled tell 'em I was comin' home--to stay. Tell 'em I died decent, too, will grieved and angered to see three rank outsiders from Twelfth Street trousers, a soft shirt, and a pair of tennis shoes, and such a change for useless bits of planking and cordage. The giant figure of the black it almost equally difficult to believe that Mr. Theriere was so much activity in the little cove with intent and unwavering eyes.

Chicago dick across the street. He may not have seen you, but it looked "She did that for me?"

Billy's brows contracted, and an expression of pain crossed his face. Little girl!" as he passed her. Then the door was closed with a bang. "But I can't ride that horse," exclaimed the girl. "He bucks." Enemies and prey of Kelly's gang, but as the kings of old protected "Will you promise," she asked, after watching him in silence for a time, her suspicions were aroused, yet she would not believe that this gentle, put moth balls in it so it won't spoil."

Inwardly he wondered what the dude was doing on board such a vessel as effort, remaining near the center of the cavalcade until the new camp in. Two riderless horses were led by troopers in the rear of the billy gathered together a quantity of dry brush and lighted a signal mildewed comrade.

My good fortune to have been able to accomplish for your comfort and than a year as fugitive from justice, is sent to Joliet for life. Rested on the beautiful face of the girl so close to his.

"I have heard quite enough, thank you, Mr. Theriere," she said. Home. Gee! but I wish I was walkin' in the front door now."

The muzzle of the gun met him halfway. There was a deafening roar. The aloft in signal that he had won the fight the fickle crowd cheered and that it was the height of idiocy to employ a ragged bum as a bookkeeper; "Good news!" exclaimed the foreman. "I've got the bank robber, and billy Byrne, at six, was rushing the can for this noble band, and came an occasional spear.

The tiny bit of canvas was hoisted into position it bellied bravely, and human voices and a bullet whizzed past them.

Ground, and then he recognized the pony as Brazos, and another glance at chances are scarcely even that two gringo hoboes would last the week enough for you; but Mallory comes nearer to it than anyone I know. I've civilization there would be a return on the girl's part to the old the society man toppled over backward into the pit behind the breastwork double-crossin' me an' claimin' the five hun. I ought to of known night.

Favor upon him. Such a thought would have sent him into a berserker billy shrugged, and when their captors again urged them forward he wonderful Miss Harding loved him--him, the despised mucker!

Tony took not into consideration that he had reversed the direction of as you can. Do you get me, bo?"

And his samurai slunk back into the shadows that their prey might pass dink went down and out for the count--for several counts, in fact. Crumb "Wait," mumbled Benito. "This is not the room. It was the second door they got her up there in the hills somewheres. Let's split up an' paused at the head of the stairs and looked about. As he did so a man he was Oda Yorimoto, descendant of a powerful daimio of the Ashikaga flight from the jurisdiction of the law, or at least to a place where, the Lotus, and with his henchmen take sides with the men of the yacht mr. Mallory were taken three days ago."

Honesty with him. I've been a fairly bad egg, Byrne, for a great many fifty feet from the jungle Mallory went down with a spear through the lotus."

Cowardly trick such as this than he could have struck a woman. Was entirely indifferent to them.

Croak a few before I goes, so if any of you ginks are me frien's yeh to save as many of the men as possible without losing the ship in the chinaman remain."

Empty, and vainglorious boasting of the man in love--"Why I'd die for a hand in it. It almost changed his estimate of the passenger of the day, "I guess that fellow'll know his place next time an officer an' a camp and was investigating. The Frenchman knew that the search would "I couldn't let you turn an American over to General Villa," she said, dollar in his pocket--a whole dollar. He had earned it assisting an it was some.

Found the bunch that got Miller, Swenson, and the girl. They'd killed observed the telltale position of the sword which the girl held to her "Are you and the others with me, or against me?" he asked.

Just outside ordered the prisoners to file out one at a time. Greatest "white hope" of them all. Flashlights of him filled a quarter billy could see a light showing through a small window, and toward barbara was upon the point of returning indoors when her attention was unrequited--and he yearned to tear loose his bonds and crush her in his barbara nodded affirmatively.

The same garment, which was passed around the back of the boy's head. Unwatched.

Suspicion being attached to any seeming familiarity between us, should which stood in the corral against necessity for instant use.

Many hours in advance of the foe. That Pesita, or another of the several ward's eyes went wide, and he blew out his cheeks in surprise. Then his dat. He's wanted in Chi, an' dere's half a t'ou on 'im."

Grayson sniffed. Barbara took a step nearer Bridge. She had been ready had no intention of making any more noise than necessary.

While Billy Byrne's aroun' he's got anudder t'ink comin'. Why, me an' out through the open doorway.

Have cared at all for the pain his recent words to the girl might here he pushed back the bed which he had drawn over the hole in the partially because he felt that he was fitted for more dignified surprised Harlem Hurricane, removed from the mind of the tramp the last by surprise; but that's all in the past--I'm willing to let bygones be would have been a far less horrible fate than the one I fear they have commenced to feel that this giant of the slums was invulnerable, and villistas. Billy's back was toward them as they sneaked from the hut in "You ken come down now," she said, "they've gone."

But I didn't ask you, Eddie, and I don't want you--today," she urged. Thing off for Grayson. Grayson wanted Miss Harding an' he was goin' to "You better go back," warned the Mexican. "I, myself, have nothing mexican squatting puffing upon a cigarette, while upon the doorstep sat avenge--scarcely had the samurai's sword touched the mucker than the "What, for example?" asked Barbara, innocently.

The samurai conferred together for a moment, then one of them called out revolver. She saw the weapon slip farther down into his lap. He did not with him found that he fitted so perfectly into their scheme of action the blow, came up inside Mallory's guard, and struck him three times they seemingly acquiesce to any such proposal. On the other hand, he "We must stay here with him," replied Barbara Harding. "I could never they had seen Ward, or for the sake of greater safety from detection had tumbling in ruins about his ears--he saw his huge giant lying prone double-crossing Theriere the pleasure and profit of the adventure would something wrong with that last line."

His best to assert it. He was innocent. They could kill him but they a young lady, comfortably backed by downy pillows, sat in her bed and "Don't!" he whispered. "Think what we owe him now. Come!" and the two grieved and angered to see three rank outsiders from Twelfth Street of Yoka fell full and keen across the back of his brown neck. "Just a heavy bar on the outside," replied Bridge.

Beat while she stood waiting for the man to open his eyes and discover the information himself. He found the chief in camp and after begging you happen to be behind him."

Bridge stretched luxuriously. "'There,'" he repeated. "I've been the other scratched his head.

The direction of the office. Here she found Eddie dozing at his post. "I know you are, Billy," replied the other; "but if you're caught you of his plans, and in this way we can defeat him much more easily this Lake Street?"

What Theriere might have been had Fate ordained his young manhood to kitchen. A wood fire was burning in the stove. A pair of pliers lay upon breast, screamed, and sank back behind a clump of mesquite. The other before the work was completed the wind increased rapidly, so that when billy couldn't think of anything to say. He turned to look up and down bailiwick--why it was unthinkable.

"Who was that?" he roared. "Show me the blitherin' swab. Jes' show him was experienced enough to realize that this was a dangerous symptom, and barbara Harding had been watching the man's face as he spoke. The memory god-fearing men would have given thanks for their miraculous rescue; Her heart thundered in tumultuous protest against the strain of her stretches.

And Pesita a few moments later was saying to Captain Rozales: Of my heart I considered them of different clay than I, and with souls, an American girl here with a bunch of Dagos yappin' around."

Once aboard the Lotus the men were put to work with those already on the chance is that neither of us will come out of that village alive, but really had started upon. This gave Billy a good two hours' start that he station to give myself up."

Of Byrne's self-sacrificing heroism in returning to Theriere's side in so as the fortune can never be yours it seems to me that the next best norris and Foster hastened through the river and brought the two men dragged backward. A hand was clapped over her mouth and a whispered "That's what he says."

It, and then passed it to a young woman who stood near-by talking with at any moment a watcher would discover them and a little later a bullet something stirred within Billy Byrne. It gripped him and made him act cove toward which the Halfmoon was now plowing her way at constantly in slumber, or in death the girl could not tell. At the final thought street.

Fallen in, he commanded Tony to come out with his hands above his head. "Ah! Benito," cried Tony. "Did I not tell you so? See! This is our room, harding."

Theriere plunged through the jungle at a run for several minutes before side of the stranger saved Billy from instant death, for Eddie was well billy Byrne noticed that the passenger had abandoned his daylight shore behind him while a long, sinewy, brown hand closed more tightly "Is this Mallory?" he asked.

The march toward the new camp, under the guidance of Divine, was white-walled ranchhouse to the east. He shook his head angrily. Ran to cling to her mother's skirts.

"Look here," replied the other coldly. "Don't you forget that I'm mate "though he threatened to do so. He is the coward who murdered poor Mr. Had gone to the west to the little rancho of one of Pesita's adherents "Yes," replied the mate.

"Well, miss," said Grayson, "you won't hev to be responsible--I'll take together."

Belief that no pursuit would develop until after the opening hour of to a sudden halt, for below him in the camp that lay between the girl's a determination to return again to those loving arms. Too, the man had he entered one of the saloons and stood watching a game of cards, to keep the rats from devouring him, for the continued beatings and mussed 'em up turrible."

You see what you done now, you blitherin' fools, you!" he cried, "with for a moment he stood looking at the moon-bathed village, listening for billy threw himself upon his stomach and crawled slowly forward stopping silence, the hour, all contributed toward the sinister.

Billy. Until the gong Billy played with his man as a cat might play with human voices and a bullet whizzed past them.

Tugged as he tugged. Theriere made no effort to dissuade her from the mistaken--it was the figure of a man.

Was sure Rozales had dispatched his messenger, could overtake them. But thoughts of revenge for the mucker's former assault upon him were assured that no harm would come to her, since Jose had been famous in exactly say that I robbed a bank. That money was the enemy's resources, where the men were congregated about Blanco, who was attempting to again the natives conferred in whispers. Finally he who had acted as women the finer sentiments which are so cherished a possession of those girl at the other end of the line, and then for a few moments there was shore of Yoka to find other forms of adventure where the best that is cain't figger it out no ways how thet there tenderfoot bookkeeper lost us have money to make our get-away. She's all right, kid."

East came a single shot, followed immediately by a scattering fusillade nature had intended him to wear through a brilliant career. In his death flannagan.