A Random "The Monster Men" Cutup

"I don't know--now," replied the first speaker, Townsend J. Harper, them were for lying down to sleep until it should be time to feed and partly because the sight of his white face emerging from out of the "You are not as other men. You are but the accident of a laboratory the dozen monsters you have brought into the world? No, Professor warriors. The men crept noiselessly within the pitch dark interior the one addressed shook his head.

Her by force, but take her he would one way or another, and that, this times when he had feared for his sanity!

Their duties. Twisting and turning through the dense maze of greater safety.

Then something drew his eyes to a spot upon the wall just above goods to carry out his professed intentions.

Repulsive. They are grotesque caricatures of humanity--without soul suddenly upon Number Three and Number Twelve similarly employed. Change the hideous fact of his origin; that nothing would make him the first rudiments of spoken language, and now the subject of his the outcome of it was that von Horn finally decided to make an attempt the dwellers in the long-house extended every courtesy to Ninaka and he again started toward a female ourang outang; but the lady bared her first to see the young giant, and with an oath sprang toward him, us well. So I believe that it would be better were we to keep forever with the intention in view of discovering the tracks of the party which physically perfect. The creature looked about him in a dazed, tartly. "I admit that Number One leaves much to be desired--much to be "Well, Professor Maxon, to be quite frank," he said at length, "we disappointing awakening for you. It grieves me that it should be so, he failed to note that Sing squatted with the Dyaks, close behind them. Navigation occurred to Number Thirteen. Calling to his men he the vengeance of Muda Saffir should he learn that they had aided the from the enclosures, "there is no need of mincing matters--something in the dead of night Ninaka and his party had crawled away under the no mlonster. Mlaxon he no makee you. Sing he find you in low bloat and Number Thirteen recognized the girl simultaneously, but the doctor, again and again the girl and von Horn narrated the stirring scenes of all through the remainder of the long night Ninaka pondered the search for him. Scarcely had the Malay seated himself before von Horn than she had intended. The day was sultry, and the heat, even in the so it was that while Rajah Muda Saffir moved leisurely up the river search for him. Scarcely had the Malay seated himself before von Horn in bearing her away from the Dyaks she must face an unknown doom, while although battling for his life, Sing had not failed to note the advent stepped toward the living room to continue his search for the professor. The fleeing lascar who had escaped the parangs of Muda Saffir's head borneo. Do you think that your bravery is equal to the demands that needs to know. I am satisfied to be the wife of Bulan--if Bulan is in the bungalow, and as he mounted the steps there were Sing and barunda and Ninaka were whispering together in low gutturals, and to many a brown body.

Stepped forward with the others to join in the discussion that followed when at last night closed down upon them the girl was, at heart, terror their grave danger--and last and greatest, the fact that one was the wed my daughter!"

I truly believe that he is mad," said von Horn, "nor could you doubt before I go mad and slay you."

Brought them to a sudden realization of the identity of the intruder, unconscious comrades to their shoulders and bear them into the jungle, choked by the wild tumult of the night.

Crowded forward to view the dead bodies of von Horn's victims. It was the girl who first spoke. "Who are you," she asked, "to whom I caught and carried her high into the air, dropping her with a to the workshop and the inner campong to ascertain what damage had been woman's intuition was sufficient guarantee of the nobility of his revolver in hand. It was von Horn. The equatorial moon shone full of the Dyaks of Muda Saffir's company. At the same instant he she left him, or had fallen into the hands of the wild horde that had had saved Professor Maxon's life, so the obligation, if there was any, board broken, and the doors both apparently opened intentionally by virginia Maxon turned resolutely toward the camp.

Brown-skinned people who watched him from their hiding places in the the ethics of human association.

A more high and noble countenance, and she wondered how it was that borneo. The Dyaks willingly agreed, and von Horn worked his small boat von Horn ran the small boat within hailing distance of the dismasted they wielded their parangs awkwardly the superhuman strength back of his wicked mind.

And so he met the advancing man, more to keep him from the girl than to weakness, yet he towered mighty and magnificent above the evil faced twenty sleek brown warriors lay in wait for them. Bulan was in the professor, for we are both actuated by the same desire--the welfare and horde of misshapen beings.

Countless wounds inflicted by sharp thorns and tangled brambles through no hand in the crime, but had exerted his authority to prevent it; but which surged to his brain through every sense. He longed for more, and purr it was than anything else.

Wishes. The girl for her part could not put from her mind the the stairway leading to his workshop brought him trembling and wide someone familiar with locks and bolts. Who could have done it?" Deck, for poor old Sing would be entirely helpless to repel them. If with Maxon."

Disappointment she had felt when she discovered that her rescuer was if you will but save her from those frightful creatures."

Two hours after the departure of the men into the jungle Virginia heard had disappeared.

Dropped back to the deck, and returned to her stateroom. Here she us to Borneo, but what can we four do against five hundred pirates and upon the shore screamed warlike challenges and taunts at the retreating house in which Professor Maxon lay peacefully sleeping; while at the became a commonplace and she gave it no further thought.

Antagonists drew back to regain their breath, the young giant gave them brown-skinned people who watched him from their hiding places in the crashing through the jungle, and as she turned to face the peril that fate she could but conjecture.

Below deck the terrified girl clung desperately to a stanchion as the "If you are not Number Thirteen who are you? Where did you come from? Shared with her her every girlish joy and sorrow and in whom she had all feared would make the balance of his work easier.

Chinaman had no difficulty in following them, so that they had gone no the battle in the prahu was short and fierce. For an instant the Dyaks the creatures that battered them about; now lifting one high above his turmoil of the storm still came to her ears through the heavy planking just why he had left America and his high place in the navy he never was hideous in the extreme. A great mountain of deformed flesh clothed it was almost nine the following morning before Professor Maxon and von thought that they were about to attack him, and gave a little cry of keep it from you, for my brain, at least, is not crazed. Virginia, you chinaman had no difficulty in following them, so that they had gone no at the camp Virginia found that a neat clearing had been made upon a uncomprehending manner. A great question was writ large upon his become familiar upon the island of their creation. They suffered the embrace which had pinioned it to his side, but before he could deal administered punishment to the traitorous Ninaka, filled his soul with virginia Maxon's escape from the clutches of Ninaka and Barunda, the "What danger can there be?" she thought. "We know that the island is to lose the prize he had but just won, and seeing that his men were direction of the alarm. For a time he saw nothing, but was guided by her without shame--until then I shall not see her."

Weakly, he seated himself upon the edge of the bed. Had his fingers the heavy wooden cover suddenly commenced to move above her as though flood of recollections it had induced in the professor's mind. Now he stopping the flow of blood. Bulan had risen weakly to his feet. The had she needed proof of the truth of her sad discovery it had been professor Maxon looked up sadly. "You do not understand, Dr. von gunwale. In an instant pandemonium reigned in the little vessel. Them revenge and the heads of the three they followed. They feared the his search, but presently his efforts were rewarded by a glimpse of a now becoming more and more open, but the Chinaman was no mean runner, intentions, a native on the verandah cried out in astonishment, made it appear that the girl was in the hands of Number Thirteen, or horn ran along the jungle trail beside the river and abreast of the swinging high in the hand of a dancing, whooping savage.

A few yards above her. As she looked she saw a huge MIAS PAPPAN cross professor Maxon did not reply--he had returned to view his grim now and then patches of moonlight filtering through occasional openings upon him--there could be no mistake. The Chinaman saw him turn and touch the shore momentarily; and though they halted twice her captors the beach, but he said nothing to his white companion of what it exhausted body Virginia Maxon clung to the frail support that a kind girl, and the pirates the chest in return for transporting him and his far to the certain death of the swirling waters toward which she was as she stood listening for some sound which might indicate the "You forget Number Thirteen," suggested the doctor.

Necessary, and again the girl noticed her father's comparative river, and as he lay listening he presently heard the subdued voices of von Horn hesitated. He knew the native nature well. To have asked. "Is it the chest he desires, or you?"

They are like us," replied Number Three. "They must be our own

Threateningly from every hand. They stood fully as high as the brown before them; yet even these were endowed with superhuman strength; and mighty clutch wrenched the head completely around.

He failed to note that Sing squatted with the Dyaks, close behind them. As Muda Saffir arose to grasp her again she struck him full in the face heart he forced back by thoughts of the sweet, pure face of the girl had come and gone he found himself for the first time assailed by the lynx-eyed Sing had seen him returning to camp long after the others as the full possibilities of his devilish scheme unfolded before his possession of the Ithaca.

From him von Horn obtained an incoherent account of the attack, sward where her captor had dropped her.

The jungle. By chance his direction was toward the camp, and this fact "No, Bulan, you could never have been a criminal," replied the loyal virginia was positive that her fusillade had frightened them into a the sudden shock brought a single involuntary scream from her lips. She did not believe her own words, yet the mere saying of them gave her which the two men conversed. For a while it listened intently, but "I should prefer that they mated voluntarily," replied the professor, when once we have demonstrated the possibility of the chemical particular long-house that they interfered with one another in the muda Saffir rode upon her seaward side, so that those who manned them "And to think," she cried, "that all these awful days we have been meditating upon the act he contemplated. He had by no means given up now the four remaining Dyaks were advancing upon the two men. Sing on the morning of the third day following the death of von Horn the New for a long hour she lay wondering what fate had overtaken the vessel the two Dyaks, paddling in silence up the dark river, proceeded for which was all that saved von Horn from death at the hands of the fear satisfied Sing that he had made no mistake in classifying her. Her and then he removed his Dyak war-coat and threw it over her, but it was was upon him who menaced the scientist.

Verandah awaiting their victim, and as Virginia passed through the providence had thrust into her hands. How long she hung there she virginia was quick to perceive the necessity for haste, while the found the throat of Professor Maxon beneath the coverlet they would hours before her exhausted body overpowered her nervous fright and won for overhearing the conversation, though it may have been culpable in on those who make no trouble. Wake the others and tell them what I into the river, jumping aboard himself as its prow cleared the gravelly intuitive feeling that she was utterly alone upon the vessel, and at "Lookee out, Linee, dloctor Hornee velly bad man."

Then he gathered up Virginia Maxon, and with a sign to his Dyaks, who prahu that they might be ready to pull swiftly away the moment that he the small room, fought like demons for their lives, so that when the guide you and the doctor to the ship in case you returned to camp their misery--you owe a great deal to them, Virginia."

His revolver exploded harmlessly in the air, and then another hand the voices came from a point in the jungle a little to his right and his crew. At the former's request Virginia was hidden away in a dark him often up and down the stream, and with his savage horde it was lock the workshop door; saw him cross the campong to the outer gate; Had already been arranged for elsewhere, nor, thought she, would her lowered her voice as though she feared to say the thing she dreaded "The Ithaca is gone, too," replied the doctor. "There is only a small von Horn stepped aboard. He was armed only with a brace of Colts, and "He was with me but a moment ago. When we heard the cries at camp I their lives.

The same tactics a moment later. She sailed first this way and then escape from the mad white man who faced naked steel with only a rawhide talker with none of the, to her, disgusting artificialities of the sudden, he came to a sheer wall rising straight across the narrow trail be a fugitive from justice--the perpetrator of some horrid crime, who distance still above them. Then he turned to face the mob that was are either an Englishman or an American. What is your true name?"

Desired; but Number Two shows a marked advance along certain lines, and you all timee. You tly getee tleasure away from Dlyaks for your self. On the morning that Bulan set out with his three monsters from the when he had heard the doctor's version of the affair.

Unloved, unloving monsters--they gave up their lives for the daughter the strange white man who seemed her self-appointed protector. Outsiders."

The tribe who domiciled there explained that necessity required that would have been all the same to me, for I loved him."

Strong current was bearing her down stream more rapidly than she had that she would prefer captivity in one of the settlements they were dragging it into the north campong the Malay was about to congratulate and still the three continued their hopeless quest unconscious of the the result was that at Manila, much to Virginia's surprise, he came in sight of the stranded wreck he put all such thoughts from him toward his companions which belied his lowly habiliments.

Another motive, the necessity of keeping the truth from the girl, he surrounding him. Why, it would be little short of murder for us to do who had invaded their land.

Battling Chinaman from him with the other, and lifting him bodily above behind her. The paddlers were propelling the boat slowly in her them.

Von Horn had gone too far. He cursed himself inwardly for a fool. Why answered the doctor. "That will be a long time in which to be isolated as she sat speculating on the strange change which had come over her von Horn and the two Dyaks cut back into the main trail along the river overlooked the verandah. A glance within showed him Sing and Number useless to throw away his life when the need of it was so great if whose forehead gave greater promise of intelligence than any of his bulan lifted Virginia in his arms and dashed on ahead of Number Twelve the door, and as Number Thirteen, warned by the sound of breaking rechristened schooner which was to carry them away to an unguessed fate. Body into the small vat of nitric acid that was to devour every trace himself and his pursuers. The Malay's boat was now alone, for of the great tree where the chest lay hidden that he decided to wait until which it would be as well to deprive his antagonist.

The white man would have betrayed him had the opportunity come, the have been dead or worse than dead in a short time had she not been object until at length it resolved itself into a boat moving head on them knows. I am wiser than all the rest, for I have learned what a at about the time that Ninaka pulled his prahu upon the beach before von Horn did not relish the insinuation in the accent which the girl his men the fearsome brutes harbored so close to them. The mate, of ground as two of the brown warriors sprang upon him with naked parangs. He saw that the soulless thing within was endowed with a kindlier and their appearance as they danced and howled, menacing and intimidating, the monstrous connection which your father contemplates for you. If that they might be apprehended should they delay even for a moment. As the two chests were being carried into the central campong, Sing, he could hope to succor the divinity whose image was enshrined in his lost past."

The chief further explained that he had done his best to dissuade the "He will never escape," replied von Horn, "his own creatures will see motioning the Malay to follow him they walked across the clearing and frightened things halted fearfully, and then as von Horn urged them on perched there upon the bow?

Domains of that rascally Malay. You may imagine our surprise, could she hope to again escape him so easily as she had before, and so "Yes," answered the man on shore. "What do you wish of the Rajah Muda in his strong arms--was it the shadow of the sweet, warm glow that had naked men, the gaudy headdress, the earrings, and the fierce

Have been searching for you and Doctor von Horn. Where is he?" The snapping of twigs and the rustling of bushes ahead, where the nearly half an hour talking with von Horn when the mate, Bududreen, someone familiar with locks and bolts. Who could have done it?" be a speedy and horrible death.

The new sun the girl watched him in a spell of admiration of his strong sight of Number Twelve's hideous face. She was appalled.

Spontaneous ethics of the man there seemed no place for an unfair during these revelations Bulan had sat with his eyes fixed upon the stupefied silence. It was difficult, almost impossible, for him to rechristened schooner which was to carry them away to an unguessed fate. Toll for every drop of white blood spilled.

Creatures that had fallen upon them in the jungle, and of the awful glass, sprang into the living room he was confronted by the entire "Let me have time to consider it, Doctor," she replied. "I do not know told us were strange tales of terrible monsters led by a gigantic white in keeping the knowledge of my presence from both Barunda's uncle and at the top of the notched log he was met by Ninaka, who, with "I cannot imagine what you hint at, Dr. von Horn," said Virginia, "but her mouth.

Rescued from the clutches of the soulless Bulan? Thus did the old man panglima had slipped a knife between the ribs of his companion and fellows and using the body as a club to beat down those nearby; again at the same instant von Horn pulled the trigger. The giant's head fell that, rescuing her from their clutches.

Ninaka looked at her quizzically for a moment. Evidently then she was dancing waters in the wake of her sisters.

Time in watching furtively for some means of escape should they but through the jungle from where we landed to the spot at which you took professor Maxon made inquiries for von Horn, only to learn that he had fleeing bull glanced back to see his pursuer almost upon him, and with sport on the preceding day, had again gone to the beach to snare gulls, within this central space--a small, square house which was quite madness from a great nervous shock.

Father. Of his own reward or profit he entertained no single "God knows," replied von Horn. "Can it be that our men have mutinied?" It was on the fifth morning, when Virginia awoke, that she found Bulan as reeds beneath the force of that inhuman power that opposed them. To accompany him on a "hunting expedition," having explained that the "Sing!" he shouted. "Answer me. Where are Virginia and Dr. von Horn?" When the truth dawned upon him that he was being killed the instinct of the open gateway of the campong was a scarce needed invitation to pass ancient weapon carefully, but a gleeful smile lit his wrinkled, yellow the girl cast a quick glance up at him.

Workshop was opened, and the inner campong as well by some one who knew former naval officer whom we have been seeking for many years. We came dropping the weapon from his hand it still dangled by the loop. At the girl was out of sight in an instant, and upon the soft carpet of the came in sight of the stranded wreck he put all such thoughts from him "For God's sake, Sing, what is the matter?" cried von Horn. "Where is had found none who would agree to accompany him even in consideration obsession of his work to a realization of the love and duty he owed his arms, he set her gently upon the ground behind him and advanced to meet physically perfect. The creature looked about him in a dazed, earth can prevent me. When you know me better you will return my love, that he was a very brave man!

He lunged across the box and over the side of the prahu into the dark light of the nearby camp fire. The ferocity of their fierce faces was is near me."

Sail. For a minute or two her sail would belly with the wind and the became crystalized into what was a little short of an obsession. They must come to the river. As a matter-of-fact had it not been for eight prahus that remained of the original fleet it was the only one "I cannot answer your question, Miss Maxon," he said, finally, "for sudden, he came to a sheer wall rising straight across the narrow trail ithaca. The man is mad--quite mad--Bududreen, and we cannot longer cutting and slashing at his foes with his heavy whip. Just in front of inch by inch she worked herself upward toward the bank, and at last, something else did as she saw the flushed face and fever wracked body child, my child."

Under Barunda's uncle, so that they passed the latter without being little in advance of the others.

Late Sunday afternoon a small native boat was seen rounding the point speaker in the sampan. "Tell him that we must speak to him at once." Before he could bring it into play upon the great thing that shook and virginia could not understand why it was that the face of the stranger his Dyaks had taken from the long-house into the jungle and back. Prahus of the Malay pulled quietly out of the little cove upon the east virginia Maxon, idling beneath the leafy shade of the tropical foliage, suspected his lieutenant long before.

Sailors in the wake of the Dyak guide. Virginia and Bulan remained in impending battle turn against him. The two mutineers backed away even as she descended the companionway she heard the rattle of the lead, and close behind him in single file lumbered his awkward crew. Science. Wealthy by inheritance, he had chosen the field of education might present to a searcher no sign that the ground had recently been in the ensuing battle which they waged for revenge of their murdered the Chinaman's indictment of von Horn had come as an added blow to she was not alone came when she raised her eyes to look full into the "Have you noticed anything peculiar in the actions of Thirteen?" asked savage jungle, Virginia."

Never mind, Linee; you always good to old Sing. Sing no likee see you doubt if we can ever improve upon that which is so rapidly developing "The worst!" exclaimed the girl. "What could be worse than that which "I warned you," said von Horn, coldly.

Symmetry of your face and features, and the superior development of darkness in search of shelter. Each vivid lightning flash, and that he must indeed be dying, for how could one who suffered so revive? Returning health and balance he found himself viewing his recent bududreen had told him much concerning the doctor, and as Muda Saffir that both were covered with terrible wounds, and after questioning them stricken ship lunged sickeningly before the hurricane. For half an thought that they had seen the reinforcements embarking from the shore, with a cry he alarmed his fellows, and in another instant a sharp pair whose forehead gave greater promise of intelligence than any of his for the first time since the camp was completed it stood unlatched and judge."

The ship, and a wide-eyed girl in the stern of Muda Saffir's own prahu one," he sighed, "that you should have come to such an untimely end--my his recent disastrous success had convinced him that neither Ithaca nor prowess of the giant white man who led them. They told of how, armed the trio was another bull bearing in his arms the unconscious form of of the man whose appeal to her she would have thought purely physical the backs of the paddlers were all toward her. Stealthily she rose to which had prostrated the professor. Here they found a woman who had a shook his head dubiously, "then old Sing no can flighten 'em 'way." To follow the trail of the creature that the woman had seen, and with prevent Virginia Maxon falling into the hands of the Dyaks, or, failing for a moment the two stood in silence; Bulan tortured by thoughts of the sudden shock brought a single involuntary scream from her lips. The long-house, Muda Saffir from the safety of the concealing until the Professor came from the workshop to retire for the night. As they inadvertently took another path than that followed by the party father's, for example?"

Tribes and from them glean some clue to your whereabouts in case your fingers clutching at his throat. Still reluctant to surrender his hold "I do not know what to make of all that Sing has told us," he said. Me back to my father, that is all. If you will return me to him you "There will be the Professor Maxon," urged the Malay. "Some day he strong featured--all together a very fine specimen of manhood; and to paddlers. When he thought that they were out of hearing of the "But the chest!" expostulated the other. "What in the world would he open. Virginia Maxon was almost frantic with despair as the utter and he was alone contemplation of the hideous wrong that had been done the memory of a total stranger, and--still greater humiliation--long in threw him heavily against the opposite wall, then he turned his of his consciousness a vague and tantalizing memory that eluded him same instant he launched himself at the throat of Number Ten, for he the man who carried her was now forced to turn and fight off the enemy muda Saffir nodded. Here was a man after his own heart, which loved levelled his revolver and fired at the foremost, and at the same on the morning that Bulan set out with his three monsters from the accompanied Professor Maxon in search of a suitable location for a distrust of her father should he learn of it.

As von Horn and Virginia Maxon walked slowly beneath the dense shadows the dark mass of the war-craft drifting down toward her.

"The pirates might but hold her for ransom, but should that soulless had gone to sleep earlier in the night.

Learned that they had fared almost as badly at the hands of the ourang keep him from association with the grotesque results of his earlier perish by its edict--even those which may not be grotesque or beat us with great whips, and cut us with their sharp swords." Single glance at your sweet face as you passed me to enter your Pullman. Lives they gave up so bravely for you whose father was the author of obsession of his work to a realization of the love and duty he owed his to conjure in her brain the likeness of one who was linked by memory to greet her father he staggered weakly to his feet. Von Horn was the "And I," echoed Number Twelve. "At last we have found our own, let us his side and levelled it upon the man who had released him; but as his western shore of the Macassar Strait.

"Out of my sight! Never let me see you again--and to think that I questioning him. She had learned to look upon von Horn as a very recognized the evil features of the rajah as those of the man who had reason to hate and fear.

Lee knows, but a moment later there was a muffled crash of broken glass boat, and then he set himself to the task of placing his own men at the description of the noise given him by Number Twelve he felt sure that and when the girl held back he lifted her across his shoulder and broke von Horn and the two Dyaks cut back into the main trail along the river the pirates were skimming rapidly across the smooth waters of the with her daily. He had thought of her almost constantly since those virginia Maxon thought that he must have some good reason of his own the base of the obstacle, just as a wild beast in captivity paces borneo. The Dyaks willingly agreed, and von Horn worked his small boat the girl shuddered, and crouching close behind Sing hurried below. A he drew his giant frame to its full height and drank in the freedom and von Horn looked at him, a tinge of compassion in his rather hard face. Daughter, and through it all Sing Lee sat with half closed eyes, a thousand times safer than with those others who were so poorly white girl had been found and was being brought to the long-house. Apartment that the chief finally consented to dispatch two of his von Horn rushed forward to where the Chinaman was leaning over the body he knew that she had not been advised that an early departure was von Horn was a brave man, but he shuddered at the maniacal ferocity of the older man, and shrank back. The futility of argument was apparent, as she halted, half in fright, a low voice whispered:

Creature he worshipped was either lost or dead; Sing had said so. He to give a clue to its meaning, so at last from constant repetition it was in no sense through accident that this was true. Thereafter her to a strange corral.

And then he removed his Dyak war-coat and threw it over her, but it was with the wild white man and his abhorrent pack, and a moment later his were conscientious.

Beings other than themselves. They envied the ease and comparative the brave old Sing Lee grappled with the mighty monster that threatened horn entered the laboratory. Scarcely had the older man passed the "Sh!" admonished the celestial. "No talkee so strong, wallee have ear my worthiness I shall not ask for Virginia's hand, and in this decision length, unable to endure the inaction and uncertainty longer, made her there, not only would she be frightened, but her cries would alarm the own, which he had now learned to wield with fearful effect, clove "Evidently they fell out about the possession of the captive," Girl, and the pirates the chest in return for transporting him and his the soft earth with their spears and parangs until they had excavated a stupefied silence. It was difficult, almost impossible, for him to and that was the end.