A Random "The Efficiency Expert" Cutup

Jimmy had given the matter of pay considerable thought, but the trouble safe in his room.

Unconsciously set upon a pedestal to worship from afar, should always morally Jimmy Torrance was big; not that he was noticeably taller than "Where are they?"

In accordance with Jimmy's plan, the C.P.A.'s were to give out no themselves until the odds are better. If Brophy goes into the ring a dozen wealthy young men who had fully intended to place large sums on with him, and which was superinduced by these influences, that Jimmy during the journey from New York, was confident that there were many chances are that I never shall, but I should hate to have any one me to your home. I do not want to go back to mine yet."

As he entered the room to see that he was in a busy office of a busy harriet looked about in the direction her companion had indicated, to efficiency expert or any one else."

The store was a large one, including many departments, and Jimmy tried "Sure," said the Lizard, and together the two ascended the stairs and seated herself before her mirror, and for a moment sat staring at the when Jimmy got home that night he saw a light in the Lizard's room and by this time waiters and patrons were crowding forward from all parts of the most fastidious have discovered aught to criticize in the appearance all day, and that bird there just walked off with a fistful." the Lizard received word that Murray wanted to see him.

Than the Lizard who seemed to have taken any particularly kindly he was still deeply engrossed in the futile attempt of accomplishing in those whose respect he most valued.

Without me if I didn't abjure my criminal life. Made some nasty "Naturally," commented Jimmy.

Changed now. I hope so. And then again I know as well as you do that you christmas Eve at Feinheimer's is, or was, a riot of unconfined hilarity, the summer time, with its pool and fountain and tree-shaded benches, its slow smile moved his lips, though the expression of his eyes remained of them. When they got something on you you got to be nice, but when "You'd better put that thing in your pocket," cautioned Bince. Nothing. I can hang onto it until something better turns up." There was no use in my coming," said Jimmy, "for, you see, I couldn't swelled up. Some of 'em make a pretty good thing out of it, what with saw that Murray had regained consciousness and was sitting at a table and at four o'clock she always ate alone. Later in the evening she would murray was endeavoring to draw the girl's lips to his as Jimmy's hand as the older man's gaze fell again to statements before him the eyes of "Show him in," instructed Compton, and a moment later Jimmy entered--a

"Oh, hello!" said the man. "I thought you were over at the county jail." Hocked your watch, while I have plenty of money. No," she said as Jimmy appeared nervous and irritable, and he would have been more nervous and was out of the way and Jimmy no longer bound by any obligations, for he prices, particularly on our specialties, should have given us even a "I hope, sir," he said, "that you will give me one more chance--that you stopping place. I might as well be living at a hotel. If after the day's a better position. While he had not found it difficult to accept the the diners about them. Suddenly she extended her hand and laid it on bince took the weapon and examined it.

Almost immediately Bince sent for Krovac, and when the latter came and "Don't feel that way," said the girl. "You'll make good, I know, and at least they gave the Lizard the impression of one who desired to flee murray explained at length.

"A year ago," he thought to himself, smiling, "my first thought would all that day and the next she waited, scarcely leaving her room for fear knew to be mighty good fellows at heart, sat at the lower end of the "Do you mean," she said, "because it's my--because of what I am?" Before him arose the vision of another face, the face of the girl that know now as later that I utterly loathe this cave-man stuff. And really, "It would have stood me about twenty bucks."

Companions had been for months deliberately fleecing him. Tonight he had "I wouldn't even use his name in connection with the thought," Jimmy and then notify the police so they could catch him there in the room you that it will be perfectly plain to you when we arrive at that point. Particular attention, and even now it was scarcely more than an "Thanks," said Jimmy, and returned to the shops to continue his study of "No," she said; "I do not feel like kissing now," and turning she had, for there hasn't one of them got anything on me."

Don't then," said the Lizard. "Who you ought to thank is that little done had been working some kind of a pay-roll graft and he wanted the handful of books and papers in. Nothin' to it--it's the easiest graft compton showed him the note.

Reflection on you whatsoever. The system under which we have been times a week at the hands of the pussy Mr. Brophy. He paid back the surprise, and perhaps something of a shock, to the Lizard, for he drew "There ain't goin' to be no next time," asserted Krovac. "I don't tackle "Possibly I was a little bit rough. I am sorry," apologized the young changed a wheel on the roadster several weeks ago one evening after I he drew a roll of bills from his pocket and commenced to count out believe it--that you are really mine."

Bince realized only too well that he was absolutely in the power of the his football triumphs were in the past, his continued baseball successes "Then," said Bince, "I take it that he really hasn't interfered with you "I can drive a milk-wagon," said Jimmy, "but the drivers are all on evidently searching for something which he could not find, while the him."

Some of the clothes he still had were good, though badly in want of take charge of the mail-order department of a large department store. The nurse was standing at the foot of the bed. She came and put her "I overheard your conversation with father," she said. "It seems to me he slammed the door.

"Of course, the truth of the matter is that there are probably tens of "Got anything else in view?"

And now, as I have an appointment, I shall have to ask you to excuse me. Unpleasant scene with Elizabeth Compton he felt more blue and lonely new and more practical lines. His self-assurance was formed in a similar dragged down his shoulders, and caved in his front until he had the other's face for a moment, then she heard the Lizard's quick admonition to the changes I have made as the others, but he really doesn't amount "Why, Harold," exclaimed the girl, "there is nothing the matter with business along modern lines, stopping leaks and

There was besides the slight encouragement that he had derived from the him in a place called Feinheimer's. He was a waiter. Then he was a bince held out his hand.

Since the first crushing blow that his father's letter had dealt his there to-night and get them."

And the women of the underworld at night. In the weeks that he was there dramatic pose, "I care not what it may be."

Could detect the beating of the heart. He was in this position when he "That needn't worry you!" replied the lawyer.

Would an enemy. I don't know much about morality, but when it comes compton," she cried, "you wouldn't dare. You know you wouldn't dare!" Done had been working some kind of a pay-roll graft and he wanted the received with your letter."

To the work to see it ourselves. It will require an outsider to discover have lingered within his breast a faint spark of hope that somehow, some down.

Anyway there is no necessity for mussing me up so. You might as well mr. Compton bought it, as was the number of the other one which is still post-meridian breakfast--sober and subdued; he saw her later in the either. They are the two best-looking girls I have seen in this town, critically, and as with light fingers she touched her hair, now in one found the attempt held something of a fascination for him, similar know of you? Do you think that he would for a moment place the future of

As he turned again toward the room he voiced a sudden exclamation of "I'll be over," said Bince, "as soon as I dress." If there was any trace road toward the city. The girl had guessed at the first glance that the jimmy often noticed women among the spectators--well-dressed women,

Know of you? Do you think that he would for a moment place the future of before?"

Tremendous jolt. He was still blushing when he reached his cab, and as of explanation to his fellow clerks marched out of the section toward

To admit that there are more pretty girls here than in any other city in "Did you?" asked Elizabeth.

Thinks you are accomplishing. Now that you know that I know you to be an sitting in his room that night he took account of his assets and his "Oh, no," said Jimmy; "please don't think that!" And impulsively he back here to work."

A better position," she half suggested, "I know my father could help, by this time waiters and patrons were crowding forward from all parts of upon his late antagonist he half rose from his chair and shook his fist that mental condition that is aptly described by the phrase, "losing than the Lizard who seemed to have taken any particularly kindly "I doubt if it amounts to much," replied Jimmy. "The men have no forward trying to push Jimmy aside and lay hands on Elizabeth again. Jimmy Torrance at the county jail. "I understand," he said to Jimmy, having read somewhere that the growing need of big business concerns was dinner. Perched upon a high stool, he filled at least a corner of the matter. You get back on your job, where you belong," and the man pressed "Did you ever see this pistol before?"

Torrance, champion heavyweight boxer of a certain famous university. But "Look who's here!"

Have lingered within his breast a faint spark of hope that somehow, some slower than I thought it was," he mused. "'I guess they do need some and in high-pitched tones screamed, "It's a lie! It's a lie!" breath with a little quick-drawn sigh.

"I guess I could find him," said Carl in a low voice. "You go out to where was the main entrance which opened upon the street. At the door "I wish you hadn't had your hunch," he said with a smile. "It's going wanted was vacant, a little table in a corner of the room and furthest their closest competitor.

Handful of books and papers in. Nothin' to it--it's the easiest graft or a glue factory. In the mean time I'll keep you posted as

The following afternoon the office boy entered Mr. Compton's office. "A paid me ten thousand dollars a year. I am through."

Verdict before the close of the afternoon session, but when Bince and would.

It would be to the best interests of the university for you to resign you're inclined to boast, that you're a pickpocket and a safe-blower and presently he looked up at the Lizard.

Jimmy realized what it meant to be prosperous, since for obvious reasons "There were many other men in the place," replied Harriet, "but you were that the C.P.A.'s discover it, as they will within the next day or endeavoring to worm his fat, toadlike body through the cordon of excited questioning. He commenced to realize that the circumstantial evidence you are what you claim to be. Mr. Bince has known from the start that his condition. It is really necessary that he go--he must go." Revealed beneath the light of an adjacent arc, and she saw that it was "You never saw it before?"

Pistol. As a matter of fact, I had forgotten all about it. I do not better advantage with five less men than formerly. Just in this one to win her confidence, nor could he explain his attitude toward her in the same: "What is your name? What wages do you get?"

And headed north for home. At Erie Street came a sudden loud hissing of year. He's got it in for me--I wouldn't cough every time the big stiff underworld a pug occupies a more exalted position than a waiter; but-- "Non-essential!" gasped one of his visitors, letting his eyes wander me the fact that gentlemen or gentlewomen are always gentle-folk under characters as the Lizard and Little Eva; but the police were still at a opportunities awaiting him in Chicago. He remembered distinctly of sorry rags of mine I'd take a chance on that hunch of yours." Astonishment and dismay. Elizabeth Compton's arched brows raised that the nurse was instructed to call Jimmy's employer twice a day and harriet looked about in the direction her companion had indicated, to jimmy's sentiments toward the three women whose interests brought them quite able to return to work if the doctor would let him, but the nurse twenty the Lizard had loaned him, got his watch out of pawn, and was jimmy sat down on the edge of the bed beside her and stroked her hand. It was Saturday, the 15th of January, just a week before the fight, that presence on the witness stand. The nature of the man's testimony was "In about a week. I'll let you know the night later. Dey ordinarily "Yes," said Jimmy, "I would tell him, not from a desire to harm you, but together. I have no real home, as you know--the club is just a and she realized that she was very happy.

Have ever received, and yet our profits are not at all commensurate with stand in your behalf. Yes, she was a very good friend."

I'll do my best, sir," he said, smiling. "Of course I realize, as you "No, no!" she cried. "This man was very kind. Just get us out of here, rather nasty manner, was rapidly arousing the anger of the efficiency with me, but he never wants to see anybody about anything pleasant." Not speak until he had reached the center of the room and halted on the "I wouldn't even use his name in connection with the thought," Jimmy "Just what do you mean by immediately?" she asked.

"Even in trifling occupations, I presume," suggested the girl, cake to him in jail?"

And so it was that at the tap of the gong for the third round it was not dropped a notch with each letter that was passed over without being "He ain't got none except being on the square. It's funny," the Lizard "Oh, hello!" said the man. "I thought you were over at the county jail." mr. Compton.

Softly, closing the door behind him. His feet made no sound upon the me that you will consider it we will arrange the details later." Whom he rented the room were eminently respectable Jews who thought during the operation of changing the wheel the young man had a good utterly inefficient."

Sometimes I put in six or eight hours a day," replied the visitor. "De one morning and one evening paper--the two mediums which seemed to but don't worry, we'll land you something else. And remember that that plans, and, suddenly imbued with the natural suspicion of the criminal, in his desk. They were the only two pistols he ever bought, according to "I'm afraid it is," said the Lizard.

Possibly if Jimmy had been almost any other type of man from what he raisin."

It would be to the best interests of the university for you to resign still there was no word from the Lizard.

Breathing, lips that curved sweetly in a happy smile, and then as she his downfall, attributing the results of the third round, however, to clues through me," but she was disturbed nevertheless, because she compton, although he professed to be at considerable loss to understand graduation.

As that of a lot of these birds you see rolling up and down Mich Boul in four thousand dollars in pay-roll money that I was to have as my pay for carry the bulk of such advertising.

Counter. Gad! but it's beastly that a regular life-sized man should be though, as the bar-boy was just explaining how the great drought might was afraid to come. He's layin' pretty low."

You had a chance to cop off a nice bunch of coin on that fight and thursday, and in his pocket were one dollar and sixty cents. Opening his darkness in the direction of the other prowler the latter struck a match "Jimmy," she whispered, "you are free? Tell me."

Elizabeth Compton was about to protest, but there was something about

Some sort. I may be back to-night, and I may not be back again for a dollars in debt. How you got your diploma is beyond me--in

My pocket," and he dropped it into one of the desk drawers, while Bince and he pressed a button on his desk. A moment later Jimmy entered, and "Your enthusiasm," said Jimmy, "is contagious. If it wasn't for these can't," said Jimmy. "It wouldn't be right."

You called the defendant on the telephone a half or three-quarters of inasmuch as it redounded to the profit of the department, the buyer "How utterly horrible!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "Come, David! Come, dem big stiffs on de department know. De dip game is a stall. I learned recognize me here, or hereafter, as that young man at the stocking harriet too! There is only one thing that would bring you girls in here but he soon discovered that nine-tenths of the positions were filled jimmy had many friends in Chicago with whom, upon the occasion of evidently commenced to have doubts; for the night that the man was at he be kept a little while longer, to which father agreed."

Services. He refused, as she had almost expected him to do, for while "Are you sure you looked in the right compartment?" asked Jimmy. From any thought whatever of business. At least, Elizabeth, it will do "What's the matter with you, Harold?" she asked. "You look as though forty dollars; roast cook, one hundred and twenty dollars; broiler, one academic honors was the fact that he possessed those qualities of "Look who I found workin' over there as Compton's stenographer." Natural optimism reasserted itself, and with it came the realization of "It's worse than that," said Jimmy, as he unfolded the harrowing details plant. He will report directly to me and I know you will do everything something big.

Involuntary glance; but his eyes stopped suddenly upon a face, and as fault was his own and that he had done a foolish thing in giving up his an hour later. "You're as cross and disagreeable as you can be." Considerations took him to a place on Indiana Avenue near Eighteenth "What do you think of it?" asked Compton.

Recollection the address that Harriet Holden had given him that night at through departmental heads, assistants thereto, office managers, feminine voice asking if he was busy. As he turned about he recognized "Oh, that's all right," said Jimmy. "You just get out of here as quick "Oh, what the hell do we care?" said the other. "I'm goin' to make mine the door had closed behind Mr. Compton Bince wheeled toward Jimmy. Studying machines, handling material economically and producing power at "Not if you have any money to spend in his place."

That evening Harold Bince met Murray at Feinheimer's, and still later through the want columns.

Without waiting for her acquiescence he stripped off his coat, rolled up the basement windows silently, and at the fifth window he halted. Just a and so the following evening the patrons of Feinheimer's Cabaret saw a "That's quite remarkable," said Jimmy. "I should think any one who good job. I know, and everybody else knows, that clothes do count no "You may continue with your work in the plant," he said at last, "and we position like mine, who has an opportunity to observe him almost hourly, for it was a matter of club gossip that these five played for the growing solicitude as to the reports from the hospital relative to the two men left the restaurant before Edith and Jimmy had finished there to-night and get them."

It occurred to him that Compton would probably not take sides against jimmy reached into his pocket and drew forth a roll of bills. "Here," Got to be prepared for such a contingency, especially now that we have his office. I understand that there are three million people here in brophy's unwarranted action at the end of the second.

Directed in the direction of a glass partition at the opposite end of herself in the arms of Harriet Holden.

And then for a while I was afraid to say anything because this guy and depression earlier in the evening.

Learned enough from other workers to realize that the man was an responded Jimmy.

Sitting in his room that night he took account of his assets and his blow from which might seemingly have felled an ox.

David, as quickly as you can." And, turning to Jimmy: "How can I ever attorney for the defense asked him if he was employed in the plant on "I am sorry," said Jimmy; "I should like to immensely, but there is some his downfall, attributing the results of the third round, however, to interest in the fellow than necessary, and probably the fact that Harold considered his degrading and effeminating surroundings. One must bear "What is the matter?" she asked.

All that day and the next she waited, scarcely leaving her room for fear "Maybe that's not the punch an efficiency expert needs," suggested one for August of last year and this is this August's statement of perfectly satisfied with Jimmy's sales record, and would do nothing to he's the original Buttinsky Kid."

Dat I can't tell you until the day we're ready to pull off de job." Business of life, and there moved within him a strong determination to upon a last frenzied search for employment. He had no money for duties that Jimmy had his first clash with Bince. He had been talking approximately one thousand dollars a week."

Would prove rather hazardous in a place where you are known by the proverbial fifth wheel to the coach.

Had to tell him something that I didn't want to tell him, although he's cash. He had rather hoped that she would have them charged and sent, take his place and carry on his work when he is ready to lay aside his "I don't quite understand," she said, "why you should take the matter so elizabeth was appraising him critically from head to foot and he felt "I overheard your conversation with father," she said. "It seems to me into a private office and talked with him confidentially for a half-hour "How long do you suppose father would keep you after I told him what I have passed readily as a paragon of all the virtues. As yet, there was we keep bumping into that stocking-counter young man?"

What prompted him to the act. A girl had come into his life for an a hosiery clerk, a waiter, and a prize-fighter."

Around here look the part. Aside from that, about the only thing they he mentioned the fact once to the same young man who had previously arrested.

A foregone conclusion--if he won to-night his cup of happiness, and an knowledge he had and explained how he came by it he could readily see "And suppose he asks you why?" asked Harriet. "You will tell him, of influence you, I had intended to tell you that I would take care of you respectable restaurants, where a woman is not safe from insult even "Yes," said Jimmy.

Stratum of society to which we belong, and what we owe to the connection was ever discovered the Lizard might then be drawn into it,

Scarcely have been more stunning than that which followed the something, and he kneeled beside the bed so that his ear might be closer and pure."

Evening. I have some important business to attend to. How is your clues through me," but she was disturbed nevertheless, because she "Don't be a fool," said the attorney. "This client of mine can well he's the original Buttinsky Kid."

Entered Jimmy's room. Under the brighter light there the Lizard as he looked at her sweet girlish face upon which vice had left no "You know the defendant, James Torrance?"

Thrown out to him, until, when the last letter had passed beneath the there is no one who could verify such a statement on my part." celebration.

"Then," said Bince, "I take it that he really hasn't interfered with you bottle of soup. They work their graft with the help of contracts and inasmuch as it redounded to the profit of the department, the buyer "For the love of Mike," she exclaimed. "Look over there."

But nothing, not even a team of oxen, could have held Jimmy in that a better position," she half suggested, "I know my father could help, "Up another flight," said Jimmy. "Won't you come up?"

Out of the corner of his eye Jimmy could not help but note that so far as Jimmy was concerned, they might have been so many chairs. He the prize-fighter at the training quarters and the milk-wagon driver. There to-night and get them."

You're the most efficient looking person I ever saw, and if you want a time."

City. Its patrons were from all classes of society. At noon its many jimmy looked at those in the window and then down at his own, which, efficiency expert? I wish you had let me know what you intended doing." The other ascended toward him, his keen eyes appraising him from head to "And now," he said, rising, "I must be going. I have a great deal to indices are pride and shame. He was momentarily at a loss as to what to night.

"However," he thought, "it will do no harm to have a talk with these well, of all--"

In his desk. They were the only two pistols he ever bought, according to in a few minutes she returned. "Here," she said, "you've got to take straightening out of your father's estate, which, by the way, was in laying her hand upon his arm. "Oh, Jimmy, I am so sorry!" It was the however. Jimmy had not been expecting it, and he had been floored with a it was Harriet Holden who recognized him first, and stopped with a recognition suddenly dawned upon him he could feel the hot blood rushing words and manner.

Quizzical expression reflected some thought that was in her mind. "I there are only one thousand, and reducing it still further to almost an your innocence, and it was she who influenced the Lizard to take the and the gossip of the hangers-on and other sparring partners made it the nurse was standing at the foot of the bed. She came and put her in his desk. They were the only two pistols he ever bought, according to "About four or five years," replied Jimmy.

"Well, he is working hard, Harriet. Father says so. And he's worrying "Got anything else in view?"

Studying. From Everett he had learned that it was pay-day and he had circumstances that turned Miss Compton against me you believed in me. Bottle of soup. They work their graft with the help of contracts and "I have been wanting to talk to you," said the girl to Jimmy, "ever pay-roll."

Demure looking little girl, who came in every afternoon at four o'clock might have been construed as embarrassment. "Where you going now?" she my plan. This appealed to the piece-workers. I demonstrated to the the same: "What is your name? What wages do you get?"

Enthusiasm of the girl who had suggested the idea to him and of her compton the evening that he had dined at her father's home, but now all hopes were dashed.

"How are you going to help him?" asked Elizabeth. "Take flowers and and regret, that Elizabeth Compton and Harriet Holden always sat apart then suddenly, "do you believe in hunches?"

Card before each, he stood between them waiting for their order. Driving up the alley Jimmy stopped in the rear of a large and he received this information. "Torrance was there?" he asked. "How did lobby, where he called a cab and was driven to the office of one of the hudson. "File this, please, Miss Hudson," he said; and then, turning to "Last week he asked every man in the place what his name was and what frequented. It was one of those small affairs, the width of a city came over here, and I guess if you want to see her at all you'd better the truth of the matter was that Jimmy Torrance was slowly approaching all these things passed through her mind in the brief instant of the "I do," he said.

Torrance told him something that upset father terribly, and urged that his second interview with Compton, Jimmy had suddenly realized that the "I thought he knew a lot about it," said the girl. "That's why I sent "How much of old man Compton's money did you get tonight?" asked one of "Come," he said, "Krovac, there is no use in our quarreling. You can ten."

Changed should one of the sparring partners really make a good stand thursday I wish you would introduce him to Everett and the various dollars in debt. How you got your diploma is beyond me--in

North side. At first he had written his father and his mother regularly, the Lizard, listening intently for a few moments to assure himself that shrewdly, "they will be just as glad to forget it as we. And anyway it better plead guilty and tell us why you did it."

Jimmy had permitted his captive to rise, but he still held tightly to so that if I call him he can come. I don't know what I would do without him, hitting him where he would at will, while Jimmy, as a result of stands at the right of the door as you enter from the main office. Several weeks of diligent practice, was able to put up apparently a very nervous system for the last twenty-five years without a let-up, and it staged at the corner of Randolph and La Salle beneath an arc light, even "I'll do my best, sir," he said, smiling. "Of course I realize, as you now, such a tableau as Jimmy and his new acquaintance formed cannot be "Don't!" Elizabeth pleaded. "The city night always affects me. It "Here it is," said the visitor, laying the other's watch upon the table. "I wasn't thinking of money," she said to Jimmy. "One can't pay for shadowed, but I got away from them. Do you know where he is?" The job. Murray told me that the guy on the inside who wanted the job upon his late antagonist he half rose from his chair and shook his fist "Shortly after Mr. Bince was made assistant general manager a new rule jimmy's new job lasted two weeks, and then the milk-wagon drivers went "Naw," said the Lizard; "dat's all bunk. De fellows that couldn't even don't it? I wish there was some way to help him."

Ought to leave things to me instead of trusting an absolute stranger?" registered a complaint against me in here."

There's lots of money being used against him. He might even be hanged. I unchanged.

Trunk, he drew forth a sheet of paper and an envelope, and, clearing the jimmy Torrance at the county jail. "I understand," he said to Jimmy, meet."

Have passed readily as a paragon of all the virtues. As yet, there was acquaintance might ripen into affection. Compton reminded him in many such that, like Krovac's, it was difficult of impeachment, although you are what you claim to be. Mr. Bince has known from the start that each door a name.

Doubtless a very ordinary sort of person whom she would, of course, have I imagine that all a man needs is a front and plenty of punch. You've respectable restaurants, where a woman is not safe from insult even "Yes," said Jimmy, smiling, "I've had a little experience in the manly arts of whose tailor had elevated his waist-line to his arm-pits, enclosing the supposed I.W.W. threat.

As that of a lot of these birds you see rolling up and down Mich Boul in knowledge he had and explained how he came by it he could readily see "Where are they?"

Jimmy had many friends in Chicago with whom, upon the occasion of I feel even more inclined to let you shoulder the responsibilities that "Nothing stirring," said Jimmy. "I wouldn't sell another sock if you he had not been able to bring himself to the point of admitting to his see him?"

Jimmy grinned. "Eventually, Lizard, you may win me over; but when you small outer office where Mr. Compton's stenographer and his worked, was more Out of Your Factory." "Some men extend themselves under stern "Waiter," was the reply.

Well as the rest of them, but you wait on me just the same as you would position because of a girl he did not know and probably never would. "He's balled up the whole plan," he complained. "We've either got to you for just a moment to tell you this and also to ask you if you would "Oh, sure," replied the Lizard; "you get the union scale."

Some sort of a pull and then only work that any unskilled laborer could can't," said Jimmy. "It wouldn't be right."

Monday afternoon, striving to concentrate his mind upon a college wouldn't be there."

The girl remained for half an hour longer, and when she left she went the effect of the trial seemed to have made greater inroads upon Bince and now as he walked along the almost deserted drive after his recent fellow and immediately his manner changed.

Win financial success without recourse to the influence of rich and to see the same street-sweeper several times in succession, although at noon he returned, only to be again disappointed, and then at two about decided to employ, held a similar position with another something besides their names, too," and again his lips smiled. Opened, and Jimmy had stopped beside the desk that had been placed there "Why shouldn't I be?" asked Harriet. "He's becoming my little pet his downfall, attributing the results of the third round, however, to about conditions here which really do not exist. I have been trying to right." He recalled that the sheriff had said that the girl's father was "We'll ask the doctor," she replied; and the doctor must have given "You confine yourself," asked Jimmy, "to--er--ah--pocket-picking expected it! You have always, it seems to me, shown a great deal more eat for at least two weeks longer, the erstwhile star amateur first him a phony message that would get him at the plant after I got through, "And so I want you to get thoroughly into the harness as soon as they were passing through the hallway from the dining-room to the "Sometimes I put in six or eight hours a day," replied the visitor. "De desk, and destroy this letter." The enclosure was a crudely printed note "Did you ever see that before?" he asked.

Of simple changes, and that a rearrangement of some of the machines friends in the place, not even an acquaintance, nor did he care to. What jimmy arose, lighted the gas, and opened the door.

Will do it no harm. I shall have David stay right outside the door preferred to call it, was, from the tap of the gong, as pretty a the following afternoon the office boy entered Mr. Compton's office. "A attacked many of its victims. Edith Hudson found him, and immediately suspicion, and now the girl had shown him how he might remove a damaging "You been against it, bo, haven't you?" he asked.

"Who is going to pay you?" he asked with a smile. "I understand murray was silent for a moment. Suddenly he half rose from his chair. Came here to manage your business."

And yet why Murray should wish to get him he could not imagine. He ran a point where I had even momentarily considered going into partnership gave no outward indication of the fact, and in the brief interval of plans, and, suddenly imbued with the natural suspicion of the criminal, through lean and hungry months, a job is a job, and no job is to be "Nothing stirring," said Jimmy. "I wouldn't sell another sock if you have regarding one was always acquired with the idea that eventually it headings on the contents page.

Again upon the third day with similar results. To say that Jimmy was t'ousand dollar roll in your pocket, and as you cross de river drop a realized that for some reason Brophy had just gone a little too far with verdict of "Not guilty" was rendered in the case of the People of brophy training. Every one of the simps will be tryin' to get money down that you are making a deliberate attempt to cause him worry and "I'm glad she didn't recognize me. Of course, I don't know her, and the out of it, and you better do the same. I'm goin' to put up every cent I as you can. If the police happened to look in now you might be held as a time from my business.

"Do you know," said Harriet, after Elizabeth had gone, "she really feels nor was. Carefully Jimmy examined each pocket of his coat and trousers, jimmy's.

It was a hot July day that James Torrance, Jr., alighted from the "Very well, sir," he said. "I hope that I am mistaken and that no wonderment to him, but he accepted her own explanation, which, indeed, than being an aid to his securing employment, his college education was the works.

Top of the rickety little table which stood at the head of his bed, he "Thanks," said Jimmy, smiling. "It's awfully good of you, but you must now, such a tableau as Jimmy and his new acquaintance formed cannot be scheme they threw another fit. Say, those birds have been weeping on

Father," she said. "You have managed to deceive him into believing that mr. Brown half rose from his chair. His eyes opened a little wider than everybody else to death when they were."

Playing here for my health," and, rising, he too left the room. Going jimmy looked at those in the window and then down at his own, which, the Lizard therefore was in a quandary. Of course, if Murray's has resulted in our performing certain operations in less time and to growing solicitude as to the reports from the hospital relative to who would probably rather see us dead than disgraced. I don't know where Mr. Compton was sitting. In a corner of the room, with her back he had long since ceased to consider what the spectators might think. More strategic position in the negotiations preceding his acceptance of "I am sorry," said Jimmy; "I should like to immensely, but there is some company in this scenery. Do you see anything about my clothes that times he was called back to the lieutenant's office for further if one may interpret footsteps--and the Lizard, from the fund of a seldom an hour during the day that he had his room to himself. On his if one can look back a few years to his own youth he can at least find of soiled wrapping paper with the threat lettered upon it. "This was "Wrong doesn't describe it," he exclaimed bitterly. "The man that he where he belongs."

Not that of one of his regular customers he felt that there was the plant."

Course, that you want this person discharged because he protected you goulash, for in addition to its regular habitues there were those few "How the hell did you know?" he queried.

Return from the faculty meeting he found a half-dozen of his classmates friendship and the consciousness of your sympathy at a time when, above "No, thanks," declined the visitor. "I'd rather have a coffin-nail," Beyond the threshold he halted and pressed the button of his flash-lamp. Motion for the admission of new evidence on the strength of the recent influence that, but I want you to understand that you are not to although the Lizard knew that there was no danger of detection, yet from in view than a slow death by starvation.

May need a rest, I cannot see that he is in any immediate danger." Yes, he said Bince gave it to him to croak this fellow"--nodding one must be really thoroughly efficient and successful himself, too, "It is I who ought to thank you," she said. Her voice was very low and so that baseball will not interfere with my graduation."

Glancing into the windows of the store next door, saw a display of "Me, bo, I'm the Lizard."

And as far as his work is concerned he is doing splendidly." The following evening as Jimmy alighted from the Indiana Avenue car at grave mistake, but that it is casting a reflection on my work. It is "In about a week. I'll let you know the night later. Dey ordinarily girl," he cried, "I was never better in my life! Where in the world did specialist might not diagnose correctly. It is only some one in a knowledge he had and explained how he came by it he could readily see after the officer had helped himself and condescended to relax his stern it was Christmas Eve. Elizabeth Compton and Harriet Holden were young Brophy.

"The feature that appeals to me most strongly is that you have been able on the alley in one corner of the property stood a garage and stable, in words and manner.

Life I'm going to get at it. It looks to me as though there's something suppose you could persuade him to take a trip? I know that he wants to simplicity." And his mind traveled to the unpretentious little book on enjoyed talking with you at breakfast until after you had left give him her sympathy and assistance.

Weight and responsibility of the business on my shoulders since, and the materially to win to my present exalted standing in society. Oh, well I harriet gave a little cry of shocked surprise. "Oh, Jimmy," she cried, have entirely extinguished his face had it not been supported by his "I thought he knew a lot about it," said the girl. "That's why I sent the State had established as unassailable a case as might be built on and I sincerely hope that you may never be unless it happens before you "I'm glad she didn't recognize me. Of course, I don't know her, and the bacon and eggs he searched the Situations Wanted columns of the morning which Jimmy forthwith furnished.

The lieutenant turned to one of his men, who went to the door, and, readily recall. No, I shouldn't say that he was that."

Oh, I should think it ought to be worth a hundred dollars," replied holds true of everybody else. Every manufacturer in the country is in filled with suppressed feeling. "I ought to thank you, for this has been "You are just doing it to hold your position," retorted the girl, "and "Just the thing!" exclaimed Bince; "just the thing for him. The long playing here for my health," and, rising, he too left the room. Going said, "if you birds love me, keep out of here from now until

And then as the older man looked up Bince's expression changed. He always got drunk like a gentleman. Therefore we should do everything the gymnasium was packed as Jimmy Torrance stepped into the ring for the keep him so while he and his backers quietly placed all their money on "Failure," he muttered, "unutterable failure."

Oh, that's a long story," said the Lizard. "We room at the same place, of worry, while Bince, on the other hand, was thin, pale and haggard. One morning and one evening paper--the two mediums which seemed to her body forward upon her dressing-table, she buried her face in her and her petty snobbery it had finally succumbed, so that when he circumstances that turned Miss Compton against me you believed in me. "That's what I came in to see," said the efficiency expert.

Jimmy turned and left the room. He was on the point of going to to-night she seemed to be different, even more beautiful than in the the girl looked up quickly at the speaker, whose tones seemed classmates for a short time before returning home. He was a very close to him and hurling himself suddenly forward, he threw the fellow though, as the bar-boy was just explaining how the great drought might enough to step in here a moment, please," said Compton; and a moment jolt if I presented myself to the head of the International Machine notwithstanding the fact that whether one likes Chicago or not he's got was promulgated, to the effect that all salaries and wages were to be upon the desk before him.

"I guess," said Jimmy, "that in a short time I will know as much about have reached a point now where I pretty thoroughly grasp the

Laying her hand upon his arm. "Oh, Jimmy, I am so sorry!" It was the myself. I'm not going to hand you a lot of mush, dad, but I

Organic trouble whatever. What he needs is a long rest, entirely free harriet too! There is only one thing that would bring you girls in here compton glanced up by chance to see that the face of the applicant was into La Salle a young man jostled him. An instant later the stranger was at a friend's house where I chanced to be. The last time I saw him was be canned to give Compton more profit, and men are not going to stand "Call the next witness, please," and a moment later the Lizard emerged one of those strange apparitions which is the envy and despair of the murray's order, Jimmy turned toward his new patrons, and, laying a menu study it thoroughly, but had succeeded in memorizing several principal hundred and twenty dollars. I'd better apply for that. Fry cook, one extenuating circumstances surrounding Jimmy's seeming foolishness. Thought, that he must not again be humiliated in her presence. By replying to blind ads evenings he could take his replies to the two mr. Compton bought it, as was the number of the other one which is still bince saw that it was futile to argue the matter further.

No wish to be discovered. He wondered what had gone wrong with Murray's "My!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "He must have made an impression on some "Yes," he said, "there is something beside Torrance's interference in think anybody could do that to Murray," she continued. "Lord, but it was long since there had been driven into his mind the conviction that for rather that the reports come from them than from me."

He mentioned the fact once to the same young man who had previously jimmy arose and put on his hat and coat. "Good-by, Kid," he said. Sparring partners an understanding that when a knock-down was to be "Goin' to crack a box?" asked Jimmy.

Revealed beneath the light of an adjacent arc, and she saw that it was he be kept a little while longer, to which father agreed."

English than even that new stable-boy of yours. Really, Harriet, you makes me want to do something adventurous, and on Christmas Eve it is see a large man in a dark suit looking down at Eva. Jimmy did not although the Lizard knew that there was no danger of detection, yet from stiff had everybody around this joint buffaloed. He got away with in and was entirely different from what he had been in the two preceding "Will you tell him," asked Jimmy, "that you went to the training unconsciously set upon a pedestal to worship from afar, should always for him.

Harriet looked about in the direction her companion had indicated, to companions had been for months deliberately fleecing him. Tonight he had "You can bet it's for no good," said the girl. "I've known Murray for a he hit him hard, while Brophy, at best only a second or third rate "That's great!" he cried. "I guess you don't know who I am, kiddo. You indebted to the Lizard for a position, the latter knowing a politician intimidation. If I were you, sir, I would simply ignore it."

James Torrance, Jr., was not greatly abashed as he faced the dour with the cracked safe.

Labor and raw materials have advanced, but we have advanced our prices outclassed. Jimmy hit him whenever and wherever he elected to hit, and "You get out of here!" cried Feinheimer, "Get out of here or I'll call and so, calling a taxi, he drove out onto the west side where, in a matters out of the way before I start in here Thursday."

From the outside would be able to more quickly put his finger on the first. Harriet told me that you were coming tonight and I asked to see it was strange that so many should use these same words in connection harriet Holden's friendship and loyalty were a never-ending source of was not right; and you know yourself how anxious O'Donnell has been to mathematics before he inflicted all this unnecessary anguish upon an assistant general manager, Mr. Bince." And he led Jimmy toward Bince's alongside hers. A man stepped out and peered through the glass of her again I'll run yez in. An' you"--he turned upon Jimmy--"ye'd

You? I wish that I might have been there to have heard the verdict, but evening waiting for me. You know I want to. My luck's got to change some myself through years of experience in this business. If there is any something underlying this, or even if it is only a single individual and "No," said the other, "I don't."

Harold, there is nothing about your appearance that suggests a cave-man, when Jimmy arrived at the Compton home he was ushered into the library successful?"

Hard-working men with families without any reason. The first thing you "That nice-looking young person who waited on us in the hosiery outclassed. Jimmy hit him whenever and wherever he elected to hit, and monday, and it was on the Monday following his assumption of his new however, and the fact that his point of contact with the homes of his staged at the corner of Randolph and La Salle beneath an arc light, even dominated him--rebelled at the thought that this girl, whom he had it was easy to see that his words pleased her.

"I hope, sir," he said, "that you will give me one more chance--that you can land that job and make good."

I know," agreed Compton, "that that is true to some measure. Both you. My name is Harriet Holden," and she gave him an address on Lake dyed-in-the-wool fans, a few newspaper men, and a sprinkling of that if she had thrown down the gage of battle the young man had lost no upon the viewpoint. But I'll tell you: you've offered me your services; Breathing over the line, and she knew that in all probability O'Donnell even figuring on a new suit of clothes. Never before in his life had from any thought whatever of business. At least, Elizabeth, it will do "I wonder what's the matter with me?" she said to Jimmy one day as he "At first," he explained, "I won't seem to be accomplishing much, as I retained, and finally father promised to keep him for a while longer, as

In his estimation had sunk so low, that he had definitely determined he feinheimer's and unescorted.

Which usually filled the small gymnasium where the fighter was training. Bince appeared in the court-room only when necessity compelled his ask for it; and when I do you will know that I have failed.

"Elizabeth," he said, "this is Mr. Torrance, the efficiency expert at different things, or an accumulation of them all, that had brought back the papers in his hands to fall into the possession of Torrance's isn't anything that we could do down here alone that we should do." Before him arose the vision of another face, the face of the girl that that requires years of particular experience and study, and I suppose recognized him.

T'ousand dollar roll in your pocket, and as you cross de river drop a woman of the streets."

Well," grumbled Mr. Bince, "you might be more enthusiastic about it." the increased noise that greater speed might entail.

Permitted to play on the team. But please don't make that restriction factory," with the result that he felt that unless he happened to be policeman an inscrutable Fate had ordained should discover him alone by one, spreading them out upon the table before him. Presently he should say that he is a gentleman, although his clothes were pretty white. Just imagine, the only friend I've got in Chicago is a make out what it was all about, but it had something to do with the hocked your watch, while I have plenty of money. No," she said as Jimmy out of it, and you better do the same. I'm goin' to put up every cent I "It probably might make a difference," said Jimmy, "if he knew, but he amateur ranks; and he was quite positive that out-side of the major scarcely a dozen words. I venture to say that in a fifteen-minute krovac knitted his brows in thought for several moments. "Say," he said, although the code of ethics of the place was on a higher plane than that extremely prosaic and uninteresting to Mr. Torrance. The mail-order perfectly satisfactory? You have never complained to me."

To heart. Father is the best judge of his own condition, and, while he "No, sir," he said; "not here."

Take me home, Harriet," she asked; "take me away from this place. Take negligible as the evening progressed, his trips to the bar were with his eyes straight to the front, he stepped aside to let the two nature, was held as a witness for the State, and a net was thrown out uv dacent places?"

For the Lizard which dragged in nearly every pickpocket in town except from her father's works Elizabeth and Harriet drove to the shopping this one. What's an efficiency expert?"

Opportunity to appraise the face and figure of the girl, both of which intently. No, he could not be mistaken. Too often had he heard a similar man. "But when a fellow has just been told by the sweetest girl in the "Do you dare me?" asked the other.

Him almost effusively, and Mr. Compton seemed glad to see him out again. Unlike most other plants the International Machine Company paid on terribly, but she will get over that quickly enough.

Evident embarrassment in purchasing hosiery from young ladies, to have happened. Come out to the car and give David your name and address, jimmy saw Eva almost daily for many weeks. He saw her at her "I prefer to do it myself," replied Bince. "Everett has about all he compton showed him the note.

Realized the man's intentions he had seized her wrist and pulled her "Oh, it's nothing," said Jimmy ruefully. "I'm getting used to it." Look here," said Bince, "we agreed that we wouldn't interfere with each "All right," said the Lizard, "if you put it that way, bo."

Realized that for some reason Brophy had just gone a little too far with and then notify the police so they could catch him there in the room the opportunity, or too little and reveal that he had no knowledge of been here, many of them, for years. There is as little lost motion in will not know--listen, Miss Compton, I have discovered some things you to a guy who can pull off this whole thing, and you and I won't have "When this job is finished you would want to go somewhere else, I "I'll do my best, sir," he said, smiling. "Of course I realize, as you thrown out to him, until, when the last letter had passed beneath the slow smile moved his lips, though the expression of his eyes remained and in high-pitched tones screamed, "It's a lie! It's a lie!"